Structure and contact

You can help to shape the Berlin University of the Arts Foundation – we would appreciate your involvement. You can register for the newsletter here or contact us directly.

The foundation is legally independent and a charitable organisation. The purposes of the foundation are laid out in our statutes, which you can download here (in German). If you support us in the form of a donation, the Berlin University of the Arts Foundation can provide you with a certificate of donation (“donation receipt”). Please ask us if you have any questions about other options for supporting the foundation.

Contact persons:

Chair of the Curatorial Committee:
Prof. Dr. Norbert Palz, President of the Berlin University of the Arts

Chair of the Executive Board:
Dr. Ulrike Prechtl-Fröhlich, Director of Finance and Administration of the Berlin University of the Arts

The foundation’s office:
Julia Warmers, Head of Funding and Cooperation
Marianne Karthäuser, Consultant Berlin University of the Arts Foundation

Educational Fund

Please support the Foundations Educational Fund

Public Relations

Download the foundation's brochure.

We will also be happy to send you the brochure by post on request.

source: Bundesverband Deutscher Stiftungen

source: Bundesverband


Stiftung der Universität der Künste Berlin
Einsteinufer 43
10587 Berlin

Phone: +49 (0)30 3185 2163

Email: stiftung[at]


Bank details
Stiftung der UdK Berlin, IBAN  DE91 1009 0000 2959 3550 05
Berliner Volksbank

Transparency is of great importance to us. We handle donations, endowments and other forms of support transparently and responsibly. A lean structure, sustainable management, good cooperation in the committees, as well as our statutes and internal regulations, all help us to do this. The Berlin University of the Arts Foundation is registered with the German Federal Republic’s transparency register.

Organisation chart

source: UdK Berlin

The foundation’s two bodies, the curatorial committee and the executive board, carry out the foundation’s work in terms of content and management .

The curatorial committee is made up of elected representatives from academic management levels at the Berlin University of the Arts: the presidium, colleges, central institutes and inter-university centres. In particular, the curatorial committee is responsible for how to use the foundation’s funds and monitors the activities of the executive board. It can appoint the jurors for the foundation’s prizes and set up advisory boards to provide expert advice on specific issues related to the foundation.  

The executive board consists of members of the university administration and the foundation’s management. The executive board’s role is to implement the guidelines of the curatorial committee. It legally represents the foundation and manages its assets.


Stiftung der Universität der Künste Berlin
Foundation with legal capacity under civil law with a registered office in Berlin

Represented by the chair of the executive board Dr. Ulrike Prechtl-Fröhlich

Einsteinufer 43
10587 Berlin

Phone: +40 (0)30 3185-2163
Email: stiftung[at]


Legal supervision: Berlin Senate Department for Justice, Consumer Protection and Anti-Discrimination, department II D

Tax number: 27/641/10637

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