News | Events

source: Caroline Bittermann

News and events on the topic of climate

On this page, you can read the latest climate news and find out about climate-related events.

  • OPEN CALL: Under the title ‘Shifting Tides: Art in a Changing Climate - a group exhibition parallel to Art Week Berlin 2025’, the Studierendenwerk Berlin would like to address the most pressing challenge of our time - the climate crisis - through art. Art students and creative students from Berlin are invited to apply by 23 March 2025: Information and application
  • The digital elephant in the room? Symposium on sustainability and digitality at artistic universities: on January 24 2025, InKüLe, klangzeitort and the RIFS Research Institute for Sustainability / Helmholtz Centre Potsdam invited to a discursive and practical exchange on the sustainable use of digital technologies in artistic work processes and teaching. The aim was to sensitize us to digital footprints, to exchange views on positive and negative aspects of the digital in artistic practice and teaching and to jointly develop decision-making tools.

  • The seventh UdK2030 Future Day will take place on November 19th. Members of the Commission for Climate Justice and Sustainability invite you to a workshop with the new Climate Protection Officer of the UdK Berlin, who will start his work on November 1st. Cordial invitation - information and registration here.

  • New version: Revision of the Climate Charter! The principles for the UdK Berlin, which were created in a first draft in 2020, were revised and finalized by the Commission for Climate Justice and Sustainability in 2023. Spread the word - to firmly integrate sustainability!

  • Since the end of December 2021, the UdK Berlin has been a member of the German Association for Sustainability at Universities (DG HochN). The DG HochN provides a platform for higher education institutions that are committed to the sustainable development of their institution in research, teaching and operations, and contributes to the exchange between and networking with stakeholders.  All interested and committed members of the UdK Berlin can join the society as an individual free of charge and network as well as participate in further education and training measures.
  • Important step for climate research: Einstein Foundation Berlin funds preparatory module for Einstein Center Climate Change. With the approval of the preparatory module, the Climate Change Center Berlin Brandenburg - a joint project of Technische Universität Berlin, Freie Universität Berlin, Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Berlin University of the Arts, the University of Potsdam and the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research - to initiate the full application process for an Einstein Center. The funding, totaling 600,000 euros for two years, will be used to develop pilot projects at the levels of climate governance, transformation pathways, and tools in the fields of construction and transportation in the Berlin-Brandenburg metropolitan region. More information in the press release.
  • Talks about innovation and sustainability in the Master's programme Leadership in Digital Innovation: Climate change, inequalities, loss of biodiversity – in the elective module Sustainable Innovation, the programme takes a look at challenges for which there are no simple solutions. Listen in now

  • Information on the programme and participation is available at

  • The Berlin University of the Arts has a self-imposed ban on flights over distances of less than 1,000 km.

  • HofGrün (Green Courtyard) is an initiative of teachers and students at the College of Design. Together, they are creating a small oasis of urban nature in the courtyard of the University of the Arts building at Strasse des 17. Juni 118, and are exploring ways of growing and using local food. The project also aims to create a place for relaxing and slowing down. “HofGrün” is a small piece of nature in the middle of the city, and also provides a habitat for a variety of birds and insects.
    Do you want to get involved? – HofGrün