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Institute for Art in Context

The study program Art in Context is directed at those who seek to position their artistic work in the context of society.

Working as an artist in the context of society not only requires a special artistic talent and a concrete interest, but also high social and communicative abilities, great endurance, and the desire and ability to reflect and form theories. Artists who want to develop and successfully realize their concepts, strategies, and ways of working in the framework of various life-worlds or in relation to systems of expertise are expected to understand non-artistic questions, problems, and prejudices, to respond to these professionally, and to ground the relevance of their own work.

The study program Art in Context offers four study profiles:

Artistic work with social groups
Artistic work with cultural institutions (including artistic museum studies)
Artistic work in public space
Artistic work in the context of media and academic visual production

In consultation with the faculty, the students develop their own individual curricula from these offerings according to their interests. The program targets the professionalization of the students. Important goals of the program are not only to engage with the particular characteristics of certain professional fields, but also to learn to set achievable goals, to realize larger tasks in teamwork, and explore new fields of work, and, not least, how to build up and secure an economic livelihood.

The Institute for Art in Context participates in numerous cooperation programs with cultural institutions in Berlin and Germany, and offers the students several possibilities to explore their own work in practice.

The non-consecutive study program can be taken full- time over four semesters or as a part-time study program for six semesters. It is free of tuition and without any age restrictions. The language of instruction is German.


Insitute for Art in Context:

Berlin University of the Arts
Institute for Art in Context

Einsteinufer 43–53, 3rd Floor

10587 Berlin

Geschäftsführender Direktor
Prof. Dr. Jörg Heiser

Karolina Güney
Hardenbergstraße 33, Raum 237
Tel. (030) 3185-2960
Fax (030) 3185 2406

Mailing address:
Universität der Künste Berlin
Institut für Kunst im Kontext
Postfach 120544
D-10595 Berlin