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International Max Rostal Competition 2015

Award winners 2015

Seungwon Lee spielt David Philip Hefti: con anima. Mosaik für Viola solo

 source: Lukas Weller/UdK Berlin

Juryvorsitzender Prof. Ulf Hoelscher

 source: Lukas Weller/UdK Berlin

Alican Süner (Türkei)

 source: Lukas Weller/UdK Berlin

Yasuka Morizono

 source: Lukas Weller/UdK Berlin

Miguel Colom Cuesta

 source: Lukas Weller/UdK Berlin

Victoria Wong erhält den Preis von Søren Nils Eichberg

 source: Lukas Weller/UdK Berlin

Preisträgerinnen und Preisträger im Fach Violine

 source: Lukas Weller/UdK Berlin

Alican Süner (Türkei), Publikumspreis

 source: Lukas Weller/UdK Berlin

Alican Süner (Türkei), Sonderpreis für einen jungen hochbegabten Finalisten, gestiftet von den Freunden junger Musiker e.V. Berlin

 source: Lukas Weller/UdK Berlin

Preisstifter Herr Shibata überreicht den Preis an Maryia Krasniuk (Ukraine)

 source: Lukas Weller/UdK Berlin

Preisträgerinnen und Preisträger im Fach Violine

 source: Lukas Weller/UdK Berlin

Die Jury

 source: Lukas Weller/UdK Berlin

Austragungsort der Finalkonzerte, Konzerthaus Berlin

 source: Lukas Weller/UdK Berlin

Die Jury und Künstlerischer Leiter Prof. Hartmut Rohde

 source: Lukas Weller/UdK Berlin

Diyang Mei

 source: Lukas Weller/UdK Berlin

Sara Kim

 source: Lukas Weller/UdK Berlin

Timothy Ridout

 source: Lukas Weller/UdK Berlin

Seungwon Lee (Korea) erhält den Preis von David Philip Hefti

 source: Lukas Weller/UdK Berlin

Preisträgerin und Preisträger im Fach Viola

 source: Lukas Weller/UdK Berlin

Sara Kim

 source: Lukas Weller/UdK Berlin


Diyang Mei, China
1st prize: 6000 Euro
and five sets of Pirastro strings of your choice

Sara Kim, Korea,
former student in the class of Prof. Hartmut Rohde, UdK Berlin
2nd prize: 2500 Euro
and three Pirastro string sets of your choice

Sejune Kim, Korea,
Student in the class of Prof. Hartmut Rohde, UdK Berlin
3rd prize: 1500 Euro
and a set of strings of your choice from Pirastro

Timothy Ridout, United Kingdom
Prize for the fourth-placed semi-finalist in the amount of 500 euros each, donated by Mr. Yoshikiaki Shibata

Seungwon Lee, Korea
Prize for the best interpretation of the commissioned work by David Philip Hefti: con anima. Mosaic for viola solo

Diyang Mei, China
Special prize for a young, highly talented finalist in the amount of 1000 euros, donated by the Freunde junger Musiker e.V. Berlin

Przemyslaw Pujanek, Poland,
Student in the class of Prof. Hartmut Rohde, UdK Berlin
Special prize for an outstanding participant in the form of a solo concert with the Leopoldinum Chamber Orchestra Wrocław/Breslau

Sara Kim, Korea
Audience prize of 1000 euros, donated by Pirastro GmbH and Kogge & Gateau, atelier for violin making and restoration


Alican Süner, Turkey
Student in the class of Prof. Nora Chastain, UdK Berlin
1st prize: 6000 Euro
and five sets of Pirastro strings of your choice

Yasuka Morizono, Japan
2nd prize: 2500 euros
and three Pirastro string sets of your choice

Miguel Colom Cuesta, Spain
Student in the class of Prof. Nora Chastain, UdK Berlin
3rd prize: 1500 Euro
and a set of Pirastro strings of your choice

Mariya Krasnyuk, Ukraine
Prize for the fourth-placed semi-finalist in the amount of 500 euros, donated by Mr. Yoshiaki Shibata

Victoria Wong, Australia
Prize for the best interpretation of the commissioned work by Søren Nils Eichberg: Recitare for solo violin 

Alican Süner, Turkey
Special prize for a highly talented young finalist in the amount of 1000 euros, donated by the Freunde junger Musiker e. V. Berlin 

Alican Süner, Turkey
Audience prize of 1000 euros, donated by Pirastro GmbH and Kogge & Gateau, atelier for violin making and restoration

Jury for viola

Thomas Riebl (Austria) 
Professor of Viola at the Mozarteum University Salzburg

Hartmut Rohde (Germany) 
Professor of viola at the Berlin University of the Arts, violist in the Mozart Piano Quartet and the Kandinsky String Trio

Kazuki Sawa (Japan) 
Professor at the Tokyo Geidai and honorary member of the Royal Academy of Music as well as director of the Kioi Sinfonietta in Tokyo

Miguel da Silva (Switzerland) 
Tutor at the European Chamber Music Academy (ECMA) and the Chapelle Musicale Reine Elisabeth

Lars Anders Tomter (Norway) 
Professor at the Norwegian Academy of Music in Oslo and director of the Risor Chamber Music Festival

Jury for violin

Nora Chastain (USA)
Professor of Violin at the Berlin University of the Arts

Ulf Hoelscher (Germany)
Professor of violin at the Karlsruhe University of Music

Ida Kavafian (USA) 
Professor at the Curtis Institute of Music, the Juilliard School and the Bard College Conservatory of Music

Igor Ozim (Slovenia)
Professor of violin at the Cologne University of Music, at the University of Music in Bern and since 2002 at the Mozarteum Salzburg

Marianne Piketty (France)
Professor at the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique in Lyon