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Galery 2019

Exciting days are behind us! That was the International Max Rostal Competition for Violin and Viola 2019 in pictures.
Many thanks to our international jury and congratulations again to all prize winners!


One second prize each:
Daniel Cho
Kyumin Park
Johanna Pichlmair

Audience Award
Kyumin Park

Prize of the Friends of Young Musicians Berlin
Daniel Cho

Special prize for the best interpretation of the commissioned work
Johanna Pichlmair

Special prize for the fourth-placed participant
Alexander Won-Ho Kim .



Tobias Reifland
First prize in viola, Audience Prize, Prize of Freunde Junger Musiker Berlin

Sào Soulez Larivière
Second prize in the viola category, special prize for the best interpretation of the commissioned work

Sangyoon Lee
Third prize in viola

Nicholas Algot Swensen
Special prize for the fourth-placed participant

Die internationale Jury: Prof. Philippe Graffin, Prof. Hartmut Rohde, Prof. Pavel Vernikov, Prof. Roberto Diaz, Tomoko Akasaka, Prof. Dr. David Geringas, Prof. Sophia Jaffé, Prof. Walter Küssner und Prof. Hagai Shaham

 source: Leo Wolters

Die Preisträger Viola mit der Jury

 source: Leo Wolters

Tobias Reifland, Erster Preis (Viola)

 source: Leo Wolters

Sào Soulez Larivière, Zweiter Preis (Viola)

 source: Leo Wolters

Sangyoon Lee, Dritter Preis (Viola)

 source: Leo Wolters

Die Preisträger Violine mit der Jury

 source: Leo Wolters

Johanna Pichlmair, Zweiter Preis (Violine)

 source: Leo Wolters

Daniel Cho, Zweiter Preis (Violine)

 source: Leo Wolters

Kyumin Park, Zweiter Preis (Violine)

 source: Leo Wolters

Die internationale Jury im Konzert

 source: Leo Wolters

Die Hamburger Camerata

 source: Leo Wolters