The Symphony Orchestra of the UdK Berlin
As one of the leading university orchestras in Germany, the Symphony Orchestra of Berlin University of the Arts presents three to four concerts each year plus an opera project.
The 17th Concert for the Nations is dedicated to the victims of the November pogroms in Germany 80 years ago.
On November 9th, 1938, Nazis in Germany torched synagogues, vandalized Jewish homes, schools and shops and killed hundreds of Jews. In the aftermath of “Kristallnacht”, also called the “Night of Broken Glass,” some 30,000 Jews were arrested and sent to concentration camps. The “Kristallnacht” pogroms marked a turning point in the persecution of Jews in Germany. During World War II (1939-45), Hitler and the Nazis implemented their so-called “Final Solution” to what they referred to as the “Jewish problem,” and carried out the systematic murder of some 6 million European Jews in what came to be known as the Holocaust.
The memorial concert will take place in the concert hall of the Berlin University of the Arts on the evening of November 9th 2018 at 8 pm.
The University’s Symphony Orchestra, its Choir, the Girls’ Choir of the Sing-Akademie zu Berlin, the Berliner Cappella and soloists will perform ”Mechaye Hametim” (Revival of the Dead) by Noam Sheriff.
"Mechaye Hametim" depicts Jewish life in the Diaspora, the Holocaust and continues with Kaddish, Yiskor and the founding history of Israel. The concert will be also broadcast online in sound and video.
Johann Sebastian Bach: Suite Nr. 2 d-Moll für Violoncello solo BWV 1008
Marcel Johannes Kits, Violoncello
Noam Sheriff: Mechaye Hametim / Revival of the Dead (1985)
- Symphony for cantor, baritone, choirs and orchestra
Carl Hieger, tenor
Simon Bailey, baritone
Berlin University of the Arts Symphony Orchestra and Choir
Girls' Choir of the Singakademie zu Berlin
Conductor: Steven Sloane
The German Rectors’ Conference (HRK) has agreed to the patronage of this year’s concert. Together with the HRK’s member institutions, the UdK Berlin hopes this memorial event will be a strong message towards present-day awareness in memory of the victims of the Holocaust.
Please note that there won't be a break between the compositions.
9 Euro, reduced 5 Euro
Konzertsaalkasse of UdK Berlin
Hardenbergstraße / Corner Fasanenstraße
opening hours: Tue-Fri, 15-18 pm
Tel: 030 3185 2374
Online-Tickets (plus presale and system fees):
Tickets for a reduced price can be purchased after showing an ID card and verification by: pupils and students, alumni of UdK Berlin, apprentices, Wehr- und Ersatzdienstleistende, recipients of ALG II, disabled people and pensioners.