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Historical instruments can be studied in the following artistic programmes:
Bachelor Orchestral Instruments (recorder)
Bachelor Keyboard Instruments (harpsichord or forte-piano)
Master Orchestral Musician
Master Instrumental Soloist
Master Orchestral Instruments specializing in Early Music (with joint main subject)
Master Instrumental Soloist specializing in Early Music (with joint main subject)
Master Keyboard Instruments (Harpsichord or forte-piano)
The following historical instruments are offered as main subjects in the Master programmes Orchestral Instruments and Instrumental Soloist:
Baroque cello
Baroque oboe
Baroque bassoon
Baroque viola
Baroque violin
Recorder ( BA and MA Instrumental Soloist)
Traverse flute
Specialization in basso continuo for deep/low string instrumentalists (Baroque cello, viola da gamba, violin, contrabass)
Harpsichord and fortepiano are studied in the Master programme Keyboard Instruments.
In addition, all these historical instruments can be studied in the artistic programmes for teachers and the study programme sound engineer.
We can offer an accreditation course in Early Music via the Berlin Career College of the UdK Berlin. For further information and the enrollment details please visit here.