For more detailed information, please change to the German version of this website.

Contacting the Julius Stern Institute

For general questions about the Julius-Stern-Institut please contact jsi_

Director of departement

Stefan Lietz​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
Bundesallee 1-12, Raum 109, 10719 Berlin
Tel. (030) 3185 2155 | E-Mail: s.lietz_


Alex Tikal
Office hours Mon, Tue 09:00–11:00 and 13:00–14:00, Wed 09:00–11:00
Bundesallee 1-12, room 109, 10719 Berlin
Tel. (030) 3185 2259 | E-Mail:

Student Assistant

Leonard Roggan
Bundesallee 1-12, room 109, 10719

Enrollment and Examination Office

Ulrike Thömmes
Immatrikulations- und Prüfungsamt Stud 25
Einsteinufer 43, room 403 A

Tel. +49 30 3185-2323 | E-Mail: stud25_

Organisation of Events and Public Relations

The Artistic Operations Office of the Faculty of Music is the point of contact for all questions relating to event organisation and communication.

Celine Kodim
Organisation of events

Bundesallee 1-12, room 112, 10719 Berlin
Tel. (030) 3185 2260 | E-Mail:

Luise Marie Ehmsen and Franca Stubbe
Voluntary Social Year

Bundesallee 1-12, room 112, 10719 Berlin
Tel. (030) 3185 2591 and (030) 3185 2872 | E-Mail: fk3001_ and fk3003_