About UNI.T
Here you can find general information about UNI.T - Theatre of the Berlin Univeristy of the Arts, the theatre's team and contacts as well as photos and plans
UNI.T – the theatre of the Berlin University of the Arts is unlike any other theatre in Berlin.
As the venue of an institution where education in the various theatre-related professions takes center stage, it offers a unique experience for the theatre-goer.
At the College of Performing Arts, degree programmes are offered for aspiring actors, opera, Lied and concert singers, performers in musicals and shows, stage or costume designers, and theatre educators and authors. The theatre provides the students with the invaluable opportunity to practice both on and behind the stage and to present themselves to an audience. In turn the audience gains insight into the education offered at the University of the Arts.
Here you can find general information about UNI.T - Theatre of the Berlin Univeristy of the Arts, the theatre's team and contacts as well as photos and plans
Here you can find information about the upcoming performances of the College of Performing Arts taking place at the UNI.T and elsewhere in Berlin
Buy tickets online or in person
Plan your visit: directions to the UNI.T