Student applicants
Here you can find information about studying and application at UdK Berlin in German, English, Arabic, Farsi and Ukrainian.
Here you can find information about studying and application at UdK Berlin in German, English, Arabic, Farsi and Ukrainian.
Here students at risk can find information about studying at UdK in German, English, Arabic, Farsi and Ukrainian.
Information on ARTIST TRAINING and advice on funding for researchers with a PhD and professional artists at risk.
A lot has happened at UdK Berlin since 2015. Here you can find a list of completed Projects (only available in German).
AG Students, Artists, Scholars at Risk (2 times a year since 2022)
Kommission für Chancengleichheit (8 x year)
Exchange Meeting "Interkulturelle Diversität und Willkommenskultur an der UdK Berlin" (since 2017)
Runder Tisch Anti-Diskriminierung (since 2021 4 x year)
Arbeitstreffen Artist Training Lab and ARTIST CAREER FORUM II (since 2020 15x) and regulary exchange meetings with Berlin universities
Round Table Refugees der Senatsverwaltung für Wissenschaft, Gesundheit und Pflege, Abteilung Hochschulen, V G 5 - Geflüchtete sowie Integration und Migration an Hochschulen (participation by invitation)
Contact: artisttraining-ziw[at]udk-berlin.de