Information for students at risk
Counselling / Support
At UdK Berlin:
- Student counselling for students at risk: Dr. Mareike Brlecic Layer and Barbara Garnier gives you support thoughout your studies. Here you can find more info.
- International Student Services: counseling on study programmes, visa/residence permits and scholarships. Here you can find further info.
- Diversity Manager: counseling on discrimination. Here you can find further information.
At StudierendenWERK Berlin:
The "Centre for Student Refugees Berlin": students and prospective students in exile receive initial counseling and orientation on taking up and/or continuing studies as well as support for successful studies in Berlin (incl. information on language courses, residence permits and housing). Here you can find further info.
Student Financing
Scholarships & Emergency Funds
- Information on student finance options. Here you can find an overview.
- Social Counsellingat StudierendenWERK Berlin: Counselling on scholarships, BAFöG, health insurance, housing subsidies and studying with a child. More information can be found here.
- Solidarity Fund of the UdK Berlin: One-time financial support for projects, materials, fees (e.g. semester fees) for all UdK students in financial need. This fund was established at the studierendenWERK BERLIN and is financed by donations. Further information can be found here.
- Study Completion grants for international students (STIBET I). Further information can be found here.
Jobs / Trainings
Job sites for students
Below you will find useful links for finding a job during your studies.
- Stellenticket UdK Berlin
- UdK Künstlerisches Betriebsbüro / Orchesterbüro (Music)
- StellenWerk Hochschul-Jobportal
Trainings / Workshops/ Employment law
- StudierendenWERK Berlin: Free trainings for job search, employment law and tax in German and English. Here you can find more information.
- Career & Transfer Service Center at UdK Berlin: Free workshops (mostly in German) and resources for UdK students und Alumni (up to 5 year after graduation). Here you can find more information (the list of workshops is only available on the German page).
- Beyond UdK: Orientation and support, especially for international students, in the transition from studies to artistic careers. Here you can find more information.
- DGB- Jugend - Students at Work: Online counseling on employment law (work contract, etc.). Here you can find more information (the website is in German but you can ask your questions in English).
Psychological Counselling at UdK Berlin
Psychotherapeutic Counselling at StudierendenWERK Berlin: They offer counselling in personal conflict situations and support with study-specific issues (exam anxiety, etc.). Here you can find more information.
Here you will find information on the topic of "accommodation" as well as useful links to the free housing market, to halls of residence and also to youth hostels and hostels for shorter visits to Berlin.