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Garden - Hardenbergstraße 33

Handschrift: Agneya Chitke, Marathi, (Jazz Institut Berlin, Master of Musik)

 source: Momo Anders und Leon Hochhäuser

Once again this year, the garden at Hardenbergstraße 33 can be used for events and projects. There will also be an open stage in the Ruinengarten. Please note the following:

Use of the garden

  • Until 19.06.: Please send requests for the use of the garden to veranstaltung_
  • Please note: The study programs located at Hardenbergstraße 33 have priority for the use of the garden.
  • Requests will be checked in terms of event technology and, depending on feasibility, confirmed from June 26th

Open Stage in the Ruinengarten

  • Entries and approvals for the use of the Open Stage are made via a Google sheet
  • The Open Stage in the Ruinengarten is covered. Basic lighting and basic sound equipment are available. Larger technical equipment cannot be provided and may have to be installed by the users themselves.