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External Support and Counseling Centers


OFEK e.V. was founded in Berlin in 2017. As the first counseling center specialized in antisemitism and community-oriented support, OFEK provides guidance to those affected, their relatives, and witnesses of antisemitic incidents and acts of violence. It also offers expert advice on antisemitism to organizations such as schools and universities. OFEK's counseling follows the specialized quality standards of professional victim and anti-discrimination support and applies to cases both with and without a criminal offense. OFEK is accessible through a nationwide hotline and regional offices in Berlin, Hesse, Baden-Württemberg, Saxony, and Saxony-Anhalt. The counseling is tailored to the questions and needs of the individuals seeking advice. It is multilingual, confidential, free of charge, and anonymous if desired. OFEK provides crisis intervention as well as psychological support for processing the long-term effects of incidents. Even if the incident occurred some time ago, counseling sessions can help determine appropriate and feasible courses of action. Supporting youth, families, and students, as well as providing expert advice to schools and universities, are key areas of OFEK's work. Following October 7, OFEK has increased its educational and counseling services for students, lecturers, and university administration.


RIAS Berlin

Since 2015, the Berlin-based Antisemitism Research and Information Center (RIAS Berlin), in collaboration with Jewish and non-Jewish organizations, has been building a citywide reporting network for antisemitic incidents. RIAS Berlin operates with a clear bias toward the needs and perspectives of those affected, their relatives, or witnesses of an incident. A central principle of RIAS Berlin’s work is the protection of trust: those affected decide how their report will be handled. RIAS Berlin also records incidents that have not been reported to the authorities or do not meet the criteria for a criminal offense, and, at the request of those affected, publishes these reports and connects them with competent psychosocial, legal, anti-discrimination, victim, or trial support services. RIAS Berlin enables victims and witnesses to harness the strength of civil society for their specific situation. Upon their request, civil society can bring their perspective to the attention of authorities or political and media actors and initiate processes of solidarity.


Landesantidiskriminierungsgesetz (LADG) Ombudsstelle

The LADG Ombuds Office provides advice and support in enforcing your rights to equal treatment and non-discrimination under the Berlin State Anti-Discrimination Act (LADG). The LADG protects you against discrimination based on gender, ethnic origin, racist and antisemitic attribution, religion or belief, disability, chronic illness, age, language, sexual and gender identity, as well as social status if these forms of discrimination are carried out by Berlin authorities or other public institutions in Berlin.

List of Additional External Counseling Services on Various Topics

Further external contact points and counseling services can be found on the UdK website.