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Events, exhibitions, performances, concerts, and artistic projects

Here, we present various formats that not only provide significant impulses and strengthen the dialogue on antisemitism but also demonstrate how creative, interactive and scientific approaches can foster a deeper understanding of the complex societal challenges associated with addressing antisemitism, while supporting long-term prevention efforts.

Artistic Projects

Jewish Art School Berlin

The Institute for New Social Sculpture, in cooperation with the Berlin University of the Arts and the Jewish Student Union of Germany, is founding the Jewish Art School Berlin (JKB). This institution offers Jewish and antisemitism-critical students and young adults an innovative platform for artistic development and critical engagement.

The JKB is led by internationally renowned artists such as Victoria Hanna, David Adika, and Yehudit Sasportas. Through masterclasses and workshops spanning various disciplines—from performing to visual arts—Jewish and antisemitism-critical students and young adults will be supported in their artistic growth.






Eyewitness Talk with Kurt Salomon Maier - Life and Fate of a Jewish Family from Baden at the Jewish Museum Berlin

Kurt Salomon Maier was born in 1930 in Kippenheim, South Baden. His parents ran a store selling fabrics, shoes, and haberdashery. After the "Kristallnacht" in November 1938, Kurt had to transfer from the local public school to the Jewish school in Freiburg.

On October 22, 1940, the four-member Maier family, along with Kurt's grandparents, were deported as part of the expulsion of the Jewish population from Baden and the Saarland to France. They endured several months in the internment camp Gurs in the southwest of France until an affidavit from relatives allowed them to emigrate to the USA. The family reached New York in August 1941, traveling via Marseille and Casablanca.

From 1952 to 1954, Kurt Salomon Maier served in the US Army in Germany. After studying German literature and history at Columbia University and the Free University of Berlin, he became a librarian at the Leo Baeck Institute in New York. He worked as a librarian at the Library of Congress in Washington, DC, from 1978 until just a few weeks ago.

When: Mon, October 28, 2024, at 7 PM
Where: W. M. Blumenthal Academy, Klaus Mangold Auditorium
Fromet-und-Moses-Mendelssohn-Platz 1, 10969 Berlin
Location:(opposite the museum)

Admission: Free
Online Registration


Action Weeks Against Antisemitism from October 9 to November 9, 2024

The Action Weeks Against Antisemitism are an initiative of the Amadeo Antonio Foundation aimed at raising awareness about antisemitism, highlighting the dangers arising from this form of discrimination, and promoting critical thinking against antisemitism. These weeks provide a platform for discussions, educational offerings, and events that address both historical and contemporary forms of antisemitism.

The goal is to expose antisemitic prejudices, stereotypes, and myths about Jews, while strengthening engagement against them. Through workshops, lectures, and cultural events, the initiative seeks to make the diversity of Jewish life visible and to promote respectful coexistence.