The entire program of the Rundgang is published on the Rundgang-platform. The Rundgang-platform brings together all formats of the Rundgang, from exhibitions and concerts, discussion formats and lectures to performances and project presentations.
Development: udk/spaces
Design: Sophie Pischel and Ira Göller
Design: Marisa Nest, Juan Pablo Gaviria Bedoya, Lukas Esser
Editing: Department for Interfaculty Events
The editorial responsibility for the program subpages lies with the contributors themselves. The responsible contact persons are named on the program subpages. Program content is continuously updated by their editors.
The Berlin University of the Arts (UdK) does not guarantee that the information provided on this website is up-to-date, correct, or complete. This applies in particular to the content of external websites that are referred to directly or indirectly via hyperlinks and over which the UdK Berlin has no control. The offers made by the Rundgang contributors are the responsibility of the respective areas and participants.
We are constantly improving the Rundgang-Platform, and would be happy to receive any constructive feedback you may have: rundgang