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UdK wants to know - on June 27, 2024.

UdK wants to know is a multimedia research process, an experiment and a cross-faculty exchange about what holds us together here at our core. The process attempts to capture the Berlin University of the Arts in its elements, materialities, structures, people, patterns, values and atmospheres in a snapshot and to reflect on their significance for teaching, learning, researching and working together. Because if we want to develop further, we must first recognize where we currently stand. For this reason, various formats have taken place over the past few months as part of "UdK wants to know".

The exhibition provides an insight into this snapshot and the collected observations, findings and interpretations in the form of audiovisual impressions.

There is also the opportunity to take part in a selection of formats at five different stations and share your own perspectives and experiences. The framework for the five participatory stations is provided by drawings, photographs and audio recordings that were captured by students at various locations during the process. The various impressions reflect the university in its materiality, elements and atmospheres from an observational perspective.

So come along and take an active part in the process:
June 27, 2024, 1 - 9 p.m.
Upper foyer of the concert hall of the UdK Berlin
Hardenbergstraße/ corner of Fasanenstraße

Die Ausstellung wurde durch Marie Grau und Jan Stassen vom Museum für Werte konzipiert.
Weitere Informationen zum Museum der Werte finden Sie hier.