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New Year's reception 2023

Impressions of the New Year's resception, 19.01.2022

The newly appointed professors 22/23.

 source: Nikolaus Brade/UdK Berlin

Ulrike Gote, Senator for Science, Health, Care and Equality of Berlin

 source: Nikolaus Brade/UdK Berlin

Prof. Dr. Norbert Palz, President of the UdK Berlin, gives the New Year's speech.

 source: Nikolaus Brade/UdK Berlin

Musical performance by Prof. Tamayo, Faculty of Music, and Prof. Morello, Jazz Institute Berlin.

 source: Nikolaus Brade/UdK Berlin

Prof. Tamayo, Faculty of Music, and Prof. Morello, Jazz Institute Berlin.

 source: Nikolaus Brade/UdK Berlin

Guests in the foyer of the Joseph Joachim Concert Hall.

 source: Nikolaus Brade/UdK Berlin

Guests in the foyer of the Joseph Joachim Concert Hall.

 source: Nikolaus Brade/UdK Berlin

Prof. Dr. Ariane Jeßulat, first vice-president of the UdK Berlin.

 source: Nikolaus Brade/UdK Berlin

Reception in the foyer of the Joseph Joachim Concert Hall.

 source: Nikolaus Brade/UdK Berlin

Foyer of the Joseph Joachim Concert Hall.

 source: Nikolaus Brade/UdK Berlin

The newly appointed professors 22/23 are:

Prof. Dr. Memet Ulaş Aktaş, College of Fine Arts / Grundschulpädagogik / Musisch-Ästhetische Erziehung / Kunstdidaktik

Prof. Stephanie Bru, College of Architecture, Media and Design / Entwerfen und Baukonstruktionen

Prof. Harry Curtis, College of Music / Orchesterleitung / Orchestererziehung

Prof. Martin Glück, College of Music / Querflöte

Prof. Janez Janša, HZT Berlin / Solo/Dance/Authorship (SODA)

Prof. Xenia Anna Maria Löffler, College of Music / Barockoboe

Prof. Franziska Morlok, College of Architecture, Media and Design / Grundlagen und Prozesse des Entwerfens

Prof. Marco Antonio Diaz Tamayo, College of Music / Gitarre 

Prof. Dr. Joshua Jeremy Whitener, College of Performing Arts / Gesang


Pioneer Plaque Correction #1, 2022, Klasse Zipp

 source: F. Dölberg

Pioneer Plaque Correction #2, 2022, Klasse Zipp

 source: A. Tomic

Pioneer Plaque Correction #3, 2022, Klasse Zipp

 source: P. Steinbrenner

Pioneer Plaque Correction #4, 2022, Klasse Zipp

 source: G. Meilicke

Pioneer Plaque Correction #5, 2022, Klasse Zipp

 source: M. Krüger

Students in Zipp's class designed 5 artworks for the 2023 New Year's Reception.