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Florian Dombois

Porträtfoto von Florian Dombois
source: Privat

Short Bio

Florian Dombois (*1966, Berlin) has focused on wind, time, labilities, and tectonic activity. His artistic practice includes a wide variety of media and repetitively articulates in happenings and sound installations.

2003-2011 he was the founding director of Y (Institute for Transdisciplinarity) at Bern University of the Arts and has been a professor at the Zurich University of the Arts, Switzerland, since 2011. He has supervised PhD candidates in collaboration with University of Art and Design Linz, University of Music and Performing Arts Graz, University Bonn, University Antwerp, University of the Arts Helsinki.

His works have been shown internationally in exhibitions and festivals. Kunsthalle Bern has edited the first catalogue raisonné. 2010 he received the German Sound Art Prize. 2017 he had a solo show in the Research Pavilion in Venice.