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Daniel M.E. Schaal

DEUTSCH/DEUTSCH, 120x70 cm, DDR, Acrylwolle (resbestand), gewebt, 2 Tablets (Rückseite abgefilmt)

 source: Daniel E.M. Schaal

InPrint/Schneide Zentral, 400x124 cm, Stempel auf Bütten. Druck mit biografischem Holzstück. Klein, bekommt eine große Fläche, da großer Eindruck. in meinem Leben. Eine kleine Sache, die seltsam groß wird.

 source: Daniel E.M. Schaal

Vorzeichen (Mauve), 55x35 cm, Öl, Pigment, Lack auf Papmache aus Biografischen Papieren

 source: Daniel E.M. Schaal

Körper Kartographie, Dimension Variabel, 4-teiliges Bettzeug, zerschnitten zu einem, langen Objekt verflochten.

 source: Daniel E.M. Schaal

In this act of repetition, it is the autobiographical that is transformed into something socially available. And through the ritual of repetition, it is as if any distinction in status between subject and object is abolished. Through the ritual of repetition and the multi-layered superimposition of the same motif, a symbolic cycle between becoming and transience unfolds, a reflection on trace and meaning, on our actions in the public and private spheres.

In his work as an artist, Daniel M.E. Schaal replaces personal expression with performative imprinting. In this way, he creates a symbiosis between image and body that leads to the new aesthetic of an anthropological abstraction in order to sustainably investigate the impact of humans on the universe and the interaction between humans and non-humans.

Infos about Daniel M.E. Schaal:

Instagram: danielmeschaal