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Finja Sander

Finja Sander, Für Morgen_standort_05, aus der performativen Reihung Für Morgen_standort_1-12, Nominiertenausstellung der UdK Berlin 2023,

 source: Mateo Contreras Gallego

Finja Sander, Für Morgen_standort_05, aus der performativen Reihung Für Morgen_standort_1-12, Nominiertenausstellung der UdK Berlin 2023,

 source: Mateo Contreras Gallego

Finja Sander, Für Morgen_standort_05, aus der performativen Reihung Für Morgen_standort_1-12, Nominiertenausstellung der UdK Berlin 2023,

 source: Mateo Contreras Gallego

Finja Sander chooses the medium of performance as a recurring constant. In her works, she searches for breaks and ambivalences in the everyday, for unconscious automatisms, repetitive, social patterns that she isolates and brings into new contexts within multi-part, multimedia processes.

Her performances have been shown at the Barlach Museums, Güstrow (2023), the Museum für Fotografie, Berlin (2021), and the Hamburger Bahnhof, Berlin (2021), among others. Sander graduated with a master's degree in fine arts from the Berlin University of the Arts in the class of Valerie Favre in the summer of 2022. She lives and works in Berlin.

Her catalog as winner of the UdK Berlin Art Award is available from UdK Berlin University Press:
Finja Sander (order no. MA 0518-2023,1), UdK Berlin 2023, 32 pp.
Price: 10,00 Euro + shipping costs.

Infos about the artist:­

Instagram: finjasander