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Kallirroi Ioannidou

Kallirroi Ioannidou, Installationsansicht Meisterschüler*Innenausstellung 2022 von Augen zu und einmal(ig) durch

 source: Moritz Haase

Kallirroi Ioannidou, Katopsis I, 2020 Glasierte Keramik / Katopsis II (Bauch Fenster), 2021 Glasierte Keramik / Katopsis III, 2021 Unglasierte Keramik.

 source: Moritz Haase

Kallirroi Ioannidou, Theeth Anxieties, 2021, Tinte, Acrylfarbe, Pastellkreide und Öl auf Leinwand 190cm x 160cm

 source: Kallirroi Ioannidou

Worm Titanic, 2021, Wasserfarbe ,Tusche und Ölkreide auf Papier, 22cm x 29cm

 source: Kallirroi Ioannidou

Kallirroi Ioannidou works with drawing as well as with painting and sculpture. Of overarching relevance is the process: characteristic for her works is how they develop over a long period of time. In some cases, Ioannidou works on one pieces for months, applying new layers again and again. In this way, a whole period of time becomes visible in the finished work, which touches on a variety of themes. In the creation of her sculptures, the discovery of form plays a significant role - not only for the viewer, but also for the artist herself. She understands shapes of her sculptures as basic outlines of her painting. Due to the associative vocabulary, a creative ambivalence arises that sometimes complicates the interpretation of her works. However, Ioannidou does not specify any level of interpretation and leaves free space for interpretations.

Text: Julia Meyer- Brehm


Info about the artist:

Instagram: @kallirroi_ioannidou


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