UdK:shop History

From UdK Laden to UdK:shop!

The idea of selling the products of the UdK Laden online is not entirely new. Only the right strategy was missing until now. In 2020, the UdK Laden team collaborated with lecturers and students of the Design for Business and Advertising class of the study programme Visual Communication (College of Architecture, Media and Design) to create a new digital place where the works of UdK Berlin students could not only be presented, but also sold. In three semesters from 2020 to 2021, the concept for the online shop was created and with it the renaming of UdK Laden to UdK:shop.

Our thanks go to Prof. Uwe Vock and Gosia Warrink, to the assistant lecturers Sonja Knecht (text), Attila Hartwig (photography) and Claudia Malecka (tutor) as well as to all students who helped to develop the UdK:shop:

From the Design for Business and Advertising class of the study programme Visual Communication:

Adel Alameddine, Anna Beilmann, Jasmin Bina Khahi, Nil Cakmak, Jonas Gerber, Dominic Gollanek, Rachel Haase, Ferdinand Kirsch, Thomas Kuhn, Ha My Le Thi, Guy Levi, Niclas Moos, Josefine Nitzsche, Katica Pejic, Martha Plättner, Eymen Sahin, Manou Schatton, Robyn Steffen, Maija Suipe, Nora Veismann, Isa Zappe.

From the Product Design program: Neïl Benhidjeb, Theresa Schwaiger

From the Social and Business Communication program: Charlene Kilthau, Nadine Mourad, Alex Röschel, Lina Sastimdur, Svea Theiler