General Students’ Committee (AStA)
The AStA is the acting executive board and official representative of the student body of the University of the Arts Berlin
The Student Body is formed by everyone inscribed as a student at UdK. Due to its independence from the university in organization and finance it has its own structure: the General Student's Committee (AStA), the Student's Parliament (StuPa) and the Student Councils (FSR).
Furthermore there exist several self-managed student initiatives which contribute to a diverse and active student life at the University of the Arts Berlin.
For all information and news please go to the AStA's own website www.asta-udk-berlin.de
The AStA is the acting executive board and official representative of the student body of the University of the Arts Berlin
The Student Councils’ Conference (FSRK) is where the various student councils meet to exchange and to divide the money they are given
Here you will find student organized Project Funding and Social Help offers
The Student Parliament is decisive institution on the matters of the student body
The student councils advocate for the interests of the students immediate in the fields of studies.
The Students' Electoral Board is responsible for the organization and execution of the StuPa elections
Common Ground is the official platform of the AStA (General Student's Committee) to connect and support students and refugees through artistic and social projects
Interflugs is an autonomous institution run by students, which supports projects and offers resources