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Support against Discrimination and Violence

What is the support group against discrimination and violence?

The task of the support group against discrimination and violence is to listen to people affected by (sexualised) discrimination, harassment and violence and to take their individual needs seriously.

The support group works on the basis of the ‘Directive on Protection against (Sexualised) Discrimination, Harassment and Violence’, which came into force on 29 June 2019.

Persons affected by discrimination can contact a member of the support group or the general contact address (see below). The members of the support group carry out referral counselling, which means that after an initial consultation, they refer to suitable professional counselling centres within or outside UdK Berlin.

The members of the support group provide university-wide information on the topics of (sexualised) discrimination, harassment and violence and develop preventative measures and concepts for these topics at all levels in order to achieve greater sensitivity.

The members of the support group are subject to a duty of confidentiality.

By contacting the support group, you do not enter into any obligations or trigger any further procedural steps.

Contact and members

Contact: against-discrimination_

Chair: N.N.


Status group 1 (professors)
Prof. Dr. Angela Harutyunyan (Institute for Art History, Art Theory and Aesthetics)


Status group 2 (academic and other teaching staff)



Status group 3 (students)
Leon Hochhäuser (College of Architecture, Media & Design)

Leon Hochhäuser (pronoun: Leon) studies Visual Communication and specialises in the following areas of counselling:

  •  Gender
  •  Sexual and gender identity
  •  Social status


Status group 4 (service and administrative staff)
Sandra Bayer (International Student Services)

Sandra Bayer (pronouns she/her) is an advisor for international students and specialises in the following areas of counselling:

  • Discrimination based on racist attributions, ethnic and cultural origin and/or language
  • Intercultural trainer
  • Mental health first aider (MHFA)

Regine Brosius (International Office)

Regine Brosius works in the Student Exchange team of the International Office. One of her particular concerns is the expansion of cooperation with the ‘Global South’. She is also interested in cross-cultural learning, consensual decision-making and the thin line between Islamophobia and anti-Semitism. She is a mental health first aider (MHFA).


Advisory members

Vanessa Wozny (Central Women's and Equal Opportunity Officer)

Vanessa Wozny (pronouns she/her) can advise you on:

  • Sexualised harassment, discrimination, violence and abuse of power
  • Discrimination based on gender and/or gender identity and/or sexual orientation
  • Discrimination based on family responsibilities 

Alejandra Nieves Camacho (Diversity Officer)

Alejandra Nieves Camacho (pronouns she/her) can advise you on:

  • Critical diversity, empowerment and intersectional anti-discrimination
  • Racialized (but also other forms of) discrimination and violence
  • Racism- and discrimination-sensitive actions and speech

Commissioner for the Prevention of Anti-Semitism (N.N.)
Stefan Linnig (university physician)
Inga Kleinecke / Petra Suhl (representative for disabled persons / 1st deputy)


Complaints Office AGG (General Equal Opportunity Act)

Dr Ulrike Prechtl-Fröhlich (Chancellor)

What should I do if I experience discrimination?

Try to record the incident in a memory log:

  • When and where did the discrimination take place?
  • How did it happen? What exactly happened?
  • Why did you feel discriminated against?
  • Who was involved in the incident?
  • What witnesses are there?


source: UdK Berlin
source: UdK Berlin
source: UdK Berlin