For more detailed information, please change to the German version of this website.

Counselling for FLINTA*

FLINTA* is a German abbreviation that stands for women, lesbians, intersex, non-binary, trans and agender people.

LesMigraS is the anti-discrimination and anti-violence section of the lesbian counselling service and is committed to a society in which all aspects of the lives and personalities of lesbian, bisexual, trans* and inter* women are accepted and valued. Telephone and face-to-face counselling in English, Persian, Dutch, Turkish or German. LesMigras works with interpreters for other languages.

Telephone hotline (see LesMigras opening hours): (030) 2191 5090
Web site:

QUEER LEBEN is a counselling centre for inter*, trans* and queer people.
Tel: (030) 44 66 88-114
Herrmannstr. 256-258, 12049 Berlin

Lesbenberatung Berlin is a counselling centre for lesbians, bisexual women, trans*, inter*, non-binary and queer people, as well as people who are not yet sure. The counselling service offers advice on topics such as being in crisis and other difficult life circumstances, lovesickness, age and menopause, being trans* and hormones, being alone, racism and discrimination.

Web site: