If reconciliation is the solution, what’s the problem?
If reconciliation is the solution, what’s the problem?
Workshop on the topic of career and care commitments in theatres and the independent scene with Bühnenmütter* e.V.
On the occasion of Equal Pay Day and International Women’s Day on 8 March, this workshop will address questions, problems and challenges faced by parents and care workers in stage professions on a personal and systemic level. The workshop is aimed at people who have or aspire to a stage profession (on, off or behind the stage) or a management position in the music and theatre business and who can consider becoming parents, who are already parents or who would like to deal with the topic of parenthood in these professional fields for other reasons.
According to the pilot study by Bühnenmütter e.V., 94% of the study participants were not prepared for issues relating to the reconciliation of family and the theatre profession during their training. In order to counteract this shortcoming, we want to enter into dialogue with interested parties and give you a different perspective on the topic of reconciliation and the stage profession. A view that also considers family formation.
The current social situation in general and the stage profession in particular present parents with a multitude of problems. This workshop will raise awareness of all the factors affecting this problem.
Subsequently, possible solutions will be developed and support options presented.
If stage artists and theatre managers are aware of the legal situation and think about and shape family reconciliation, there is the possibility of sustainable change towards more family-friendly structures in theatres.
Children are very welcome!!!
We kindly ask you to register by 5 March 2025.
frauenbeauftragte3fak03 @udk-berlin.de
7 March 2025
Kammersaal, Fasanenstr. 1 B, 10623 Berlin