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Foto: Jenny Baese


Monika Bakke: Mineral Companionships of Evolving Environments

11.11.2019  - 6-8pm 
Medienhaus, UdK Berlin
Event of the lecture series 'Tuning into Worlds. More-than-Human Aesthetics in the Arts’  –  biweekly public lectures until February 2020
In English
In cooperation with the Studium Generale


Foto: Caroline Neumann


Wissen der Künste: On Decolonial Deferrals

14.11.2019 - 7pm
Grüner Salon, Volksbühne Berlin
Exhibition and launch of issue #8 of the online publication wissenderkuenste.de 
In English and German
In cooperation with the Volksbühne Berlin


Foto: Plastic Balloon Turtle by Pinar Yoldas (c)


Workshop: Pinar Yoldas

Accompanying the lecture entitled “Trapped in our Umwelt. Expanding Ecological Empathy through Art and Design” the infradisciplinary artist and researcher Dr Pinar Yoldas will give a workshop to deepen discussions about causality, imperceptibility, and the Anthropocene as a problem of aesthetics. Focusing on design and its environmental impacts which mostly escape direct access by human sensory perception, the participants of the workshop will test out proposals and speculate about approaches that may offer better design practices.
With registration only.
More information
In English


Foto: Jenny Baese


Pinar Yoldas: Trapped in our Umwelt. Expanding Ecological Empathy through Art and Design

25.11.2019 - 6-8pm
Medienhaus, UdK Berlin
Event of the lecture series 'Tuning into Worlds. More-than-Human Aesthetics in the Arts’  –  biweekly public lectures until February 2020
In English
In cooperation with the Studium Generale




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