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SAVE THE DATE: Tuning into Worlds. More-Than-Human Aesthetics in the Arts 28.10.2019 – 03.02.2020

Lecture series of the DFG Research Training Group “Knowledge in the Arts” in cooperation with Studium Generale, UdK Berlin


Foto: Jenny Baese


On Mondays from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.


Medienhaus (Aula) 
UdK Berlin
Grunewaldstr. 2–5, 10823 Berlin




Artistic practices engage with the natural and technological worlds in which we are embedded. How do animal, plant, geological, or machinic forms of perception, knowledge, and being come to bear in aesthetic processes? 


The lecture series focuses on the capacities of the arts to cross, question, and reconfigure human measures, action, and sensing. The question of a more-than-human aesthetics that results from these capacities leads in two directions: How to account for non-human aspects, scales, and perspectives within anthropocentric conceptions of art production and reception? And where do we have to acknowledge forms of aesthetic expression and perception, poiesis and aisthesis, beyond the human? 


The perspective of more-than-human aesthetics aims to disclose practices and concepts to historicize and criticize the entanglement between the arts and their technological and natural environments. How can artistic practices alter these entanglements and test other modes of relation? And what material articulations and narratives, what artistic methods does this propose or demand? What worlds appear and emerge if we focus on more-than-human aesthetics in the arts? 


The lecture series language is English.


Complete schedule 

28.10.2019  Astrid Schrader: Haunted Microbes between Science and Arts

11.11.2019   Monika Bakke: Mineral Companionships of Evolving Environments 

25.11.2019   Pinar Yoldas: Trapped in our Umwelt. Expanding Ecological Empathy through
                     Art and Design

09.12.2019   Beatrice Fazi: Aesthetics and the Computational Outside

06.01.2020   Christoph Cox: Against Subjectalism. Materialism, Posthumanism, and the
                     Sonic Arts

20.01.2020   Mette Ingvartsen: Expanded Choreography. Encounters between Human
                     and Non-Human Agency in Dance 

03.02.2020   Jussi Parikka & Geocinema (Asia Bazdyrieva, Solveig Suess): Art from
                     Large-Scale Systems: Operational Images and Geocinema




Concept: Maximilian Haas, Irina Raskin, Fritz Schlüter

Organisation: Christina Deloglu-Kahlert, Flóra Tálasi, Katrin Wendel, Yasemin Wistuba

Support: Sarah Hampel, Xin Wang

Design: Jenny Baese



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