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Foto: Alex Arteaga

Einladung: Architecture of Embodiment: an aesthetic research dispositive, October 7th to 15th 2016

Dear Friends of Sound Studies,


we kindly invite you to the closing event and public presentation of the aesthetic research project "Architecture of Embodiment" by Dr. Alex Arteaga, Head of Auditory Architecture Research Unit, Berlin University of the Arts.


Lecture and Opening: Friday, 7 October 2016, 6.30 pm
Exhibition: 8 - 15 October 2016, 11 am - 6.30 pm. Alex Arteaga will be present during all opening hours.
LocationANCB The Aedes Metropolitan Laboratory, Christinenstr. 18 - 19, 10119 Berlin

The event will be in English

Admission is free

Please register at reply@ancb.de.


The three-year aesthetic research project Architecture of Embodiment by Dr. Alex Arteaga, performed through aural and visual research practices, aims to develop an understanding of the built environment from the perspective of theories of embodied and situated cognition, in particular, relating to the enactive approach. The basic idea of these theories is that thinking is a process performed by a body interacting with its surroundings. The main research question in this project is: How does architecture condition the emergence of sense? In other words: How does the construction of our surroundings interfere in the way we relate to our environment, in the way it appears to us as a coherent and viable whole? Through the configuration of the dispositive presenting the outcomes of this project, Alex Arteaga also addresses the question of the public presentation of artistic research. 





Hans-Jürgen Commerell, Director, ANCB The Aedes Metropolitan Laboratory, Berlin

Prof. Dr. Susanne Hauser, Director, Institute for History and Theory of Design, Berlin University of the Arts

NN, Einstein Foundation Berlin



Dr. Alex Arteaga, Head of Auditory Architecture Research Unit, Berlin University of the Arts


After the lecture you are cordially invited to the exhibition opening.


Architecture of Embodiment is supported by the Einstein Foundation Berlin with an Einstein Junior Fellowship and developed at the Berlin University of the Arts.


I look forward to welcoming you!

All the best,

Prof. Volker Straebel

Head of Department


Herausgeber: Universität der Künste Berlin, Der Präsident
Verantwortlich: Universität der Künste Berlin
Texte/ Redaktion: Kathrin Scheidt
Fotos: Alex Arteaga
UdK Berlin Career College
Masterstudiengang Sound Studies
Postfach 12 05 44 | 10595 Berlin



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