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Foto: Krzystzof Miękus / Laznia CCA

KONTAKTE '19 | Biennial for Electro-Acoustic Music and Sound Art | 25-29. September 2019


Dear friends of SoundS


The KONTAKTE '19. Biennial for Electro-Acoustic Music and Sound Art will be starting tomorrow. This third edition of the festival brings together more than 20 premieres and over 120 artists over five days.


From 25 – 29 September, 2019 the Akademie der Künste at Hanseatenweg opens its doors to become an experimental laboratory for music and a meeting place for artists, professionals, music lovers and music fans. KONTAKTE '19 explores the possibilities of the performative elements in electro-acoustic music and focuses on new productions characterised by their search for new forms of communication and participation. A wide range of concerts, sound installations, performances, artist talks and films, featuring numerous premières and first performances, will give the audience the opportunity to experience a lively, experimental music scene and talk to the artists at the Akademie der Künste. KONTAKTE '19 will mark the end of this year's month of contemporary music in Berlin.


The programmatic arch of the festival spans works for instruments and electronics from the sphere of the Feedback Studio in Cologne in the 1970s at the opening concert (25/09) to the International Turntable Orchestra marathon with fourteen turntablists from all over the world to close KONTAKTE '19 (29/09). One of the highlights in the field of the performative arts include a music theatre piece using sign language by Helmut Oehring, immersive performances by Thomas Ankersmit and Francisco López and concerts by the Berlin formations ensemble mosaik and Ensemble KNM.


Students and Alumni from Sound Studies and Sonic Arts at the UdK Berlin will be presenting new works at Kontakte '19 - on view will be peices by Camilla Vatne Barratt-DueOskar J. Mayböck, Robert Stokowy, as well as Philip Liu, Martin Moolhuijsen, Haku Sungho, Samuel Perea-Díaz, Taiga Trigo and Kim Wichera from the class Public Intervention lead by Daisuke Ishida.


You can find the programm and dates here.
Tickets may be necessary

facebook event


Foto: Kai Bienert


Best regards,
Prof. Volker Straebel

Universität der Künste Berlin
Sound Studies and Sonic Arts (MA) | Director
Sound Studies (MA) | Studiengangsleiter


Herausgeber: Universität der Künste Berlin, Der Präsident
Verantwortlich: Universität der Künste Berlin
Texte/ Redaktion: AdK Berlin, Kathrin Scheidt
UdK Berlin Career College
Masterstudiengang Sound Studies and Sonic Arts
Postfach 12 05 44 | 10595 Berlin



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