Ahuman Aesthetics

7. Juli 2017
15:30 – 16:30
Patricia MacCormack: Ahuman Aesthetics
Moderation: Annika Haas, Maximilian Haas

The ethical encounter with art come from silences and the tenebrous illumination that discloses the planes which art unfurls to deliver us from our humanness toward pursuits of altered perception, celebrating certain ideas about the purpose and function of art without appealing to the expressions of those functions as affirming goals toward which the transcendental human aspires in the creation and appreciation of art. Encounters with art necessitate becoming ahuman insofar as art is defined as that which affects along trajectories deliberately organized to alter perception. This is so even when the art may seem to seek to reflect a reality in a more precise or reduced way. This paper will discuss ways in which the art-perceiver encounter may be rethought.


Patricia MacCormack is Professor of Continental Philosophy at Anglia Ruskin University Cambridge. She is the author of Cinesexuality (Routledge 2008), Posthuman Ethics (Routledge 2012), the editor of The Animal Catalyst: Toward Ahuman Theory (Bloomsbury 2014), the co-editor of Deleuze and the Schizoanalysis of Cinema (Continuum 2008), Deleuze and the Animal (EUP 2017) and Ecosophical Aesthetics (Bloomsbury 2018).