Annette Krebs


Annette Krebs works at the interface of electroacoustic composition, building, improvisation and sound research. Within her projects and collaborations she explores new approaches to electroacoustic music and sound in connection with field recordings, instrumental music, video and performance.

She has been living in Berlin since 1993 and is one of the pioneers of Echtzeitmusik. After gradually having deconstructed her instrument, the guitar, she began to realize livecompositions for objects, mixing descs, computers and loudspeakers from 2005. Since 2013 she is developing sonic assemblages within the series Konstruktion#: pieces of metal, glass, paper, foil, strings and other materials are played instrumentally and amplified via microphones. Their sounds are controlled, processed and mixed in real time on the computer using tablets and sensors.

Annette has performed and given workshops worldwide, including: Akademie der Künste (Berlin), EMS Elektronmusik Studion (Stockholm), Umbral Festival, TonalÁtonal (Mexico City), Sonic Arts Research Centre (Belfast), NOTAM (Oslo), Audio Foundation (Auckland), Mona Foma Festival (Tasmania), Festival de Arte Sonoro Monteaudio (Montevidéo), SAIC-School of the Chicago Art Institute, Universidad de Los Andes (Bogotá), Janáček Academy of Music (Brno). Her music has been funded by numerous grants, e.g.: Berliner Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Europa, Goethe Institute, Musikfonds, Cité Internationale des Arts Paris; Akademie der Künste (Berlin), EMS Elektronmusik Studion (Stockholm). It has been released on numerous labels and presented on the radio and in press, including: Positionen-Texte zur aktuellen Musik, Deutschlandradio Kultur, Taz Berlin, The Wire- adventures in sound and music (UK), WDR-3, BR Klassik.