
Quelle: Evelyn Bencicova
Quelle: cps!s, Evelyn Bencicova
Quelle: cp!s

Gründer: Vlasta Kubušová, Andreas Arnold, Jürgen Löbner, Filip Schwarz, Miroslav Král, Matej Dubiš

Mentor: Prof. Axel Kufus

gefördert durch: EntrepART Coaching-Programm; Berliner Startup Stipendium

crafting plastics! studio brings bioplastics made of plants on the stage of our day-to-day life. We experiment, collaborate and produce, while having the whole product's lifecycle in mind.

We explore new ways of developing products, from basic craft approach to use of high-tech machinery. Our pursuit is to be in full control of the lifespan of the product, from its origin - in the form of unrefined material - through the final product until its inevitable decay.

Our work in the crafting plastics! (CP!) studio is based on a close collaboration with material scientists. Discovery of biodegradable plastics from 100% renewable resources opens up new possibilities and perspectives concerning the materiality of everyday objects. In the cp! studio, we utilize these materials and emphasise primarily the issue of overconsumption.

zum Interview mit Vlasta Kubušová


Das Berliner Startup Stipendium wird aus Mitteln des Europäischen Sozialfonds sowie des Landes Berlin finanziert (Senatsverwaltung für Wirtschaft, Energie und Betriebe).

Quelle: be berlin