Ignacio Briceno, „MayRhythmOvercomeTheHorrorOfWriting“, 2024

Quelle: Videostill

A surface in tension, a political threshold, a critical juncture at the
brink of expression. In an economy of meaning, in which words are
currency, you don‘t write on a blank page, but against it.
When I first arrived to Berlin, I got my hands on an Erika typewriter.
Its impact upon my writing was immediate. It reinstated touch and
rhythm, it reclaimed the body to which its keys succumbed. For every
letter written, a hammer hitting.
Aiming to capture this, I bugged Erika: contact microphone to the
body, pair of small cap condensers overhead and phone camera. Soon,
I realized the need to abandon language in favor of unabashed
Freed from semantics, reduced to mechanics, the typewriter in
„MayRhythmOvercomeTheHorrorOfWriting“ conjures the naked violence
of the modern bureaucracy it helped establish and the naked
joy of breaking rule; in the form of a disciplinary regime, a compulsion,
an exuberance, a rebellion.


Ignacio Briceno studiert Sound Studies and Sonic Arts bei
Prof. Georg Klein. Die Arbeit wurde bei der diesjährigen Dystopia
Klangkunst Biennale 2024 im Kunstraum Potsdamer Straße gezeigt.