
ArcInTexETN is an initial training network for new PhD students researching and exploring the expressions of sustainable forms of future living through textile thinking in the intersection of Architecture, Fashion Design and Interaction Design.

The ArcInTex European Training Network (ETN) aims to strengthen the foundations of design for more sustainable forms of living by connecting architecture, interaction design and textiles in a training network for early stage researchers. By deepening the connections between textile, architecture and interaction design the network will explore new expression of living in an age of technological innovations through the design of adaptive and responsive environments connecting the scales of the body, the interior and the building.

Building on new ideas of material thinking and design thinking with emphasis on sensitive design expressions for reflective living, the PhD students of the network will be ready to take on fundamental challenges both in academia and in the private sector through a training network that combines in-depth specialization, collaborative training and company internship.

Participating institutions

The ArcInTexETN is a network collaboration between the following institutions and companies hosting in total 15 PhD positions:

-          Heriot-Watt University (United Kingdom)
-          AB Ludvig Svensson (Sweden)

-          Philips Electronics Nederland B.V. (The Netherlands)

-          Royal College of Art (United Kingdom)

-          Eindhoven University of Technology (The Netherlands)

-          University of Borås (Sweden) – coordinators

-          The Berlin University of the Arts (Germany)

-          Vilnius Academy of Arts (Lithuania)

ArcInTex @ UdK

The UdK - Chair Prof. Dr. Norbert Palz - is work package leader for one of three thematic units: "Textile thinking for adaptive and responsive architecture – the scale of the building" (5 PhDs).

1 Textile structures for adaptive and responsive architecture.
Textile architecture, 2 PhDs, Berlin University of the Arts

2 Designing adaptive and responsive textiles.
Textile and fashion design, 1 PhD, Royal College of Art, 1 PhD University of Borås

3 Designing for adaptive and responsive far-field interactions.
Textile interaction design, 1 PhD, Royal College of Art

PhD Students

Iva Resetar (UdK)

Daniel Suárez Zamora (UdK)

Verwandte Themen