Quelle: Spaetispaeti


SeminarSeminar 4.0


SeminarSeminar* is going into it's fourth round of collective and practical investigations into "the other" within the structures of UdK and beyond.


5/5 stars by jakob:


"Some meta thoughts on the framework of the seminar:


*What is it?

a horizontal learning environment – everyone is teacher and student at the same time.

a frame to cultivate and engage in critical, affirmative and imaginative ways of working together. 

a space to question habitual forms of knowledge production – queering the classic “seminar” and its conventional working methods. Experimenting with practices that don’t fit into the institutional mold of the university. Isn’t there more knowledge to discover in the cracks?


*How I feel about it: 

it's more about the working process, than the representation of something. Our Intention as formulated: subversion - challenging hegemonic power structures and hierarchies: Which power structures? Patriarcho-capitalist structures? Neoliberal individualism? Repercussion of those dynamics within the own Institution of UdK? Within the urban surrounding? Within the own home? Within our own perception of the world?


*Why are we doing it? 

How can we really challenge them dirty powerstructures and hierarchies, or actually inspire other people to start questioning the ‘normal’ order of things?


*For whom is it?

I think it is crucial to communicate clearly the open framework and the need of personal engagement... that the participants themselves create the framework and will not be presented a served seminar table.


---- soooo just a wild spree of thoughts, of which some are probably not easy to transfer into the actual form of the seminar, but just to kick off the imaginative juices. : )


 xx jakob"


We aim to work as analogue as possible depending on the unforeseen circumstances of the coming winter.

See our website or instagram for a glimpse of what happened the last semesters.



Soft registration until 25th, October to hallohallo_, to receive detailed information about time and place of the first meeting.


Verfasser*innen: Antonia Lembcke, Corinna Studier, Jeanne Astrup-Chauvaux, Oliver Gudzowski, Jakob Köchert, Jonathan Heck, Tilmann Haselhoff, Sofia Ogarkova, Merve Cakir 

Wahlfach / BA Modul14 / MA Modul05 / 5 ECTS
Stadterneuerung / Modul03 / 3 ECTS