Kata Katz

Fachbereich D: Audiovisuelle Kommunikation

Short Bio

Kata Katz is a lecturer and PhD candidate at the University of Arts Berlin, Germany. She studied Philosophy, Literature, and Film Studies at the University of Szeged, Hungary. Her research explores the possibilities of the photographic medium to create different realities and how the medium navigates factuality and veracity in social and scientific contexts. Her focus is on the connection between the performative and photography at the intersection of gender, sexuality, race, class, and age. In her recent works, she explores Performative Philosophy, thinking and building theory through the combination of art, artistic praxis, and philosophy. She has co-authored several essays that explore the benefits of failure in academia and beyond, as well as the future realities of science and research in the Danube region.

Selected Publications

  • Kata Katz, ‘Kill your Darlings (Working Title)’, in Displacing Theory Through the Global South , ed. by Iracema Dulley and Özgün Eylül İşcen, Cultural Inquiry, 29 (Berlin: ICI Berlin Press, 2024) doi.org/10.37050/ci-29
  • Blank, E., Danko, L., Katz, K., Polishchuk, V. & Rubinic, I. (2023) Scientific Reserch for European Decision-Making, Der Donauraum. Shaping Tomorrow's research: What future for Academia in the Danube Region? 63 (1-2) 2023
  • Katz, K.; Sandrini, M. (2022) Fallimento e accademia: alla ricerca di una cultura possibile, Pandora Rivista, 21 Maggio 2022 www.pandorarivista.it/articoli/fallimento-e-accademia-alla-ricerca-di-una-cultura-possibile/
  • Katz, K.; Sandrini, M. (2022) Failure Fiction - Why to empower failure culture in science? Ciência da Informação Express, [S. l.], v. 3, n. 2, 24 fev. 2022
  • Sandrini, M.; Katz, K. (2022) Exploring the many Facets of Failure in Academia Social Science Works: socialscienceworks.org/exploring-the-many-facets-of-failure-in-academia/
  • Katz, K. ; Sandrini, M. (2021) How to empower a culture of failure in science, Encore Magazine, Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society.
  • Katz, K.; Sandrini, M. (2020) Communicating COVID-19: Prospects for a Bolder Science? Elephant in the Lab: doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3766145
  • Katz, K. (2020) Only the Echo is Left (Alive) In.: Jóri, A. & Lücke, M. (eds) The New Age of Electronic Dance Music and Club Culture, Springer Verlag
  • Katz, K. (2015) A kegyetlenség attrakciója (The lure of cruelty) In.: Cserjés, K. & Szauter, D.(eds.) Merőleges Viszonyok - Tanulmányok El Kazovszkijról, Szeged: Jate Press
  • Katz, K. (2010) Fotográfiai Lapok (1981) Egy fotográfiai szamizdat hasábjai. (Photographic Journals (1981) Pages of a Photographic Samizdat) Magyar Fotográfiai Múzeum, Kecskemét


Selected Symposiums, Lectures, Discussions

  • Constructing Realities – Über die weiblichen Perspektive in der Fotografie | Look at me now, Europäischer Monat der Fotografie, Alte Münze Berlin 16 Mar 2023
  • Failing with Intent – Possibilities of Hacking Academic Life | Failure Matters –Dimensions of 'Failure' in Science, Failure in Science: Context, Invisibility and the Future of Failing, Wolkswagen Foundation, Schloss Herrenhausen, Hanover 12-14 Dec 2022
  • The Rightness of Wrong: Error and Progress in Science and the Arts | A roundtable with Christopher Chamberlin (ICI Berlin), Işıl Eğrikavuk (UdK Berlin) and Özgün Eylül İşcen (ICI Berlin), hosted by Kata Katz, Mafalda Sandrini and Anita Jóri, Flusser Archive, University of Arts Berlin 28 Okt 2021