Strategic Discourse. Actors - Issues - Arenas
Strategic Discourse. Actors - Issues - Arenas
Cognitive Strategy Concepts (COSCO), Bd. 6
Rezension: "Wer also Lust hat, seinen Strategieprozess als einen sinnbildenden Diskurs in einer Arena zu konstruieren, sollte zu diesem auf Englisch geschriebenen Buch greifen" Prof. Dr. Frank E.P. Dievernich, In: OrganisationsEntwicklung Nr. 2/2012, S. 89 f.
Rezension: Strategic discourse is a concept that draws attention to the informal discursive processes surrounding the making of strategy. Barbara Kruse approaches the topic by analysing the actors and strategic issues that constitute discourse. Why are some actors actively involved and make a contribution and others don't - even though they seem willing to? Why do some issues gain attention and others don't - even though they would be of strategical relevance? To tackle these questions, the author employs a "strategic arena" as a metaphor. This analogy captures the setting where actors and strategic issues come together; and it assembles time-spatial, strategic and discursive aspects providing fruitful insights for management. Drawing on theories from strategic management and communication science, Barbara Kruse explores the practices of strategic discourse in various companies and derives key levers for designing processes of strategy-making: giving access to the relevant actors and strategic issues, providing the conditions for thinking without constraint, and managing the expectations of employees regarding participation.
ISBN 978-3-8325-2856-0 273 Seiten, Erscheinungsjahr: 2011 Preis: 42.00 €