Online Only Application
The next possible application period for the winter term 2026/27 is from February 1 - March 1, 2026. Only during these weeks will you be able to access the application form online and apply for the Sound Studies and Sonic Arts program.
If you have any questions, please send us an email at ask
Application PHASE I: Preparation
When applying, please choose application TRACK 1, TRACK 2, or TRACK 3. Consider your application track carefully, once selected it cannot be changed.
If you hold a degree from a German university (TRACK 1) or do not have a university degree (TRACK 3) you can skip PHASE I and start your application process in PHASE II during our application period in February.
TRACK 2 applicants holding a degree from a non-German university (international and EU) please first translate your university reports to German or English and apply for a Preliminary Review Documentation (VPD) at uni assist e.V., then proceed to Phase 2 once the application period begins in February.
Please be aware: You are responsible to apply for your VPD early enough to receive it in time for our application period in February. Please allow for at least 8 weeks (about 2 months) processing time at uni assist e.V.
Also see the UdK International Applicants Guide for more detailed information.
Helpful tip using the uni assist website: rather than using the search bar function, please select from the drop down menus as the example bellow:
*NOTE: Depending on when you register for VPD, UdK might not show up yet as an option for the Winter semester. In this case, please choose the preceding Summer semester. The VPD is valid for a whole year.
Application PHASE II: Online Application
1. Apply online
Create an account via the UdK Online Application Platform ( Be aware: the application system does not accept hotmail, outlook or yahoo email addresses - please use a different provider.
Once logged in, you can see your current applicant status and whether your formal application documents have been received, or if any are missing. We strongly advise you to agree to receive the online application system updates via email (during sign on), which will notify you about your application status, any potential problems (like missing or incorrect materials) and acceptance to the program. Choosing not to receive emails means that you will have to remember to sign in regularly for updates.
After registration you will receive an email with your application number and login data. The online application consists of two platforms: for uploading all formal documents and for uploading your artistic portfolio. Your login credentials are the same for both and
2. Pay the application fee
Applicants are charged a fee of 30 euros for the application procedure including admission to all courses of study at the UdK Berlin. This fee does not apply to teacher training programs in subjects for which the Senate Administration responsible for educational affairs has defined an urgent need for teachers at public schools. Proof of payment of the fee must be submitted with the application documents.
Include a copy of the relevant bank statement with your formal application documents as proof of payment (for transfers from abroad: a deposit receipt is acceptable). Other types of proof, like a transfer order, are not accepted. The application fee cannot be refunded under any circumstances, even if the application is later withdrawn or rejected. Without proof that the fee has been paid your application cannot be accepted.
Bank Account:
Kasse der UdK Berlin
Berliner Volksbank
IBAN: DE 72 1009 0000 8841 0150 46
Berliner Volksbank eG
Budapester Straße 35
10787 Berlin
Please indicate the following information in your bank transfer: 35/01036, your full name, your applicant's number,
If transferring money from abroad: Please make sure that your bank transfer includes acceptance of all due costs (OUR – sender pays costs).
3. Upload your documents
Combine the following files into one single PDF file (max. 20 MB) and upload it to Your files must be arranged in the order listed below. If you run into any problems, please review these instructions, or watch this helpful video tutorial.
Bank statement documenting payment of the application fee. For transfers from abroad, a deposit receipt is acceptable. Other types of proof, like a transfer order, are not accepted. Remember to indicate the following information in your bank transfer: 35/01036, your full name, your applicant's number
Uni-assist e.V. Preliminary Review Documentation (VPD) (TRACK 2 applications only)
Applicants from the People’s Republic of China must obtain a certificate from the Academic Evaluation Centre (APS) in China. Please see the UdK International Applicants Guide for more information.
University reports and certificates (TRACK 1 and 2 applications only)
Proof of English language proficiency. The following proofs are accepted:
- Completion of an English-language bachelor's or master's degree program
- Declaration of proficiency in English as a native language
- APTIS Advanced (British Council): C1 overall results
- C1 Advanced (Cambridge): C1
- IELTS Academic B2: 6,5
- iTEP Academic-Plus: 5,0
- Pearson PTE Academic: 76
- TELC English: C1
- TELC English B2·C1 University
- TOEFL iBT: 100*
- Verified TrackTest English Complete test: C1
*We don’t accept TOEFL MyBest Scores
Letter of motivation (max. 1 page A4).
Curriculum vitae in tabular form (in reverse chronological order: education, professional experience with sound, other professional experience, artistic projects, publications, further information)
List of professional experience with exact dates including evidence from third party sources (for example but not limited to: program leaflets, online program announcements, press clippings, contracts, job reference letters, flyers, exhibition promotional materials, releases from a label).
Upload these files as a single PDF file (max. 20 MB) to your profile on between 1 February - 1 March. The application platform closes automatically on 1 March, 23:59. Files can be uploaded and/or deleted until the end of this deadline.
4. Portfolio
Compile the following artistic documents and upload them to the portfolio server If you run into any problems, please review these FAQ’s or this tutorial. Your login credentials are the same for and
Work samples (no more than 5 samples whose total runtime is no longer than 20 minutes). Label them according to the following format: lastname_1_samplename, lastname_2_samplename. The numbers in the file name should be given in order of importance. Possible file formats are PDF (max. 200 MB!), MP4, MOV, M4V, AIF, AIFF, WAVE, WAV, MP3, JPG, JPEG and PNG (2 GB max. per file). Hyperlinks are not accepted.
A document including the following information about the work samples provided: title, genre, length of project, year of creation, context, your role in the project, relation of chosen sample to whole project (PDF, max. 200 MB!)
Upload these files to your profile on Bemus ( between 1 February - 1 March. A total of max. 10 files with a total volume of 20 GB may be uploaded. The application platform closes automatically on 1 March, 23:59. Files can be uploaded and/or deleted until the end of this deadline.
Application PHASE III: Examination
Based on the submitted application documents, the admissions committee will ask candidates to take part in an entrance examination in April. This examination tests the applicant’s ability to engage with sound art discursively and conceptually. It is followed by a personal interview.
(1) Candidates who are invited to the entrance examination are to complete either a theoretical assignment or practical assignment (fixed media piece, appropriate documentation of an installation or a performance). The assignments are to be sent to the examination committee in digital form.
(2) Additionally, TRACK 3 candidates will receive an aptitude test (necessary if the candidate does not have an approved university degree) to demonstrate their capability of writing a theoretical paper in the field of sound. This work is to be submitted in digital form together with the assignment described above.
(3) During the admission interview, candidates will be asked questions related to sound art, sound studies, auditory culture, audio technology and listening. Candidates' motivation for applying to the Sound Arts program and their presented assignment will also be discussed.
Notices of admission will be given out in May.