21 - 23 Mar | Crossfade at Hošek Contemporary

Quelle: Geraldin Acevedo
Quelle: Geraldin Acevedo

Hosek Contemporary presents a group exhibition featuring the work of five students of the Sound Studies and Sonic Masters MA course at UdK. 

Crossfades entail meeting points, translation and transformation through the liminal space that witnesses the collision of two milieus, forces, media or technologies.

This exhibition brings together works by the artists Yuchin Chen, Thomas Lea Clarke, Farhad Farzali, Helen Hines and Hisako Nakaoka that each engage with the concepts of transfer and transformation across boundaries and between formats. This thematic of exchange can be found in each work, from the video piece of Farhad Farzali, where two figures engage in a dialogue across the ocean, to Hisako Nakaoka's installation that reminds gallery visitors about those that were there before them. Meanwhile Helen Hines' film depicts the moment when a body meets the water, Yuchin Chen's Video installation is set between land and sea and 'Cut Cloud' by Thomas Lea Clarke spatialises the sound of analog vinyl loops transformed through digital automations. 

Crossfade runs from 21st till 23rd March 

Opening Hours: 
Friday 21/03 - 19:00-22:00 (Opening)
Saturday 22/03 - 14:00-19:00
Sunday 23/03 - 14:00-19:00 

Curated by Chelsea Leventhal
Picture © Helen Hines.

The gallery is located at
Märkisches Ufer 1z
10 179 Berlin-Mitte
+49 1525 7486496