Arnau Montserrat with Las Maleantes

Habitat 3000

VR Experience

The collaborative VR universe, Habitat 3000, offers insights to a futuristic metamorphosis of our ecosystems, through an exploration of the potential of artistic co-creation. Ecosystems are adapting and changing daily. How would they recalibrate under fast changing global conditions? Habitat 3000 re-appropriates a vision of social and political change by allowing its users to dream about what is possible. In the creative process, artists and designers consciously suspended realist ideals and focused on surrealist aesthetics that ignite our imagination. How do you imagine a future in which beauty is the protagonist?

Opening times

8 June 4 – 11 pm

9 June 2 – 6 pm

10 June 2 – 10 pm

11 June closed

12 June 2 – 6 pm


Collegium Hungaricum Berlin

Dorotheenstrasse 12

10117 Berlin