Lucien Danzeisen | Stellan Veloce
Blockseminar, Monday, 21st September - Friday 25th September 2020. Preparation meeting: monday, 29th june 2020, 6 pm (duration: 2 hours). digital or at UdK-Bundesallee 1 -12 10719 Berlin , room 310.
Questions and registration: fem_music@gmx.net
FEM*_ MUSIC*_ is a participatory and non-hierarchical project which began in 2016 and which deals with the topic of Feminism in contemporary music production from various perspectives.
FEM*_MUSIC*_GATHER: Time and space: 5 days in Gutshof Sauen, working together, sharing skills, exchanging ideas and developing. The activities of the week are offered and planned by all participants. A custom online platform will be the tool for collective planning and self-organization. The platform will be running a couple of months ahead to organize the time in Sauen, then continuously updated during the gathering and subsequently documented for evaluation and further information. On this platform, the participants can share what they are taking with them, whether it is material (e.g. recording device / book xy / ..), or as questions / or requests for dealing with a specific topic or as offers for skill-sharing. Activities can be inserted in a common calendar.
In this way, a group process can arise right from the start, in which interested people can participate according to their desires, skills and capacities. These inputs can then be used to generate new synergies on site, formats that build on or relate to one another, e.g. a group performance, reading and discussion groups. We see this way of collaborating as inherently feminist. For an example of the platform, have a look at this past event that used it: hoffnung3000.de. As always with FEM * _MUSIC * _ we want to work critically reflective, empowering spirit, at least bilingual (German and English) depending on the participants. The gathering is open to people of all genders (!) and all fields of study.
Lucien Danzeisen is a composer and artist. Lucien took part in ‘The Young Composers Project’ (Künstlerhaus Boswil) and completed their bachelor’s degree in composition (Josef Kost, Michel Roth, Bettina Skrzypczak) and piano (Yvonne Lang, Marc Hunziker) with a minor in harpsichord (Bettina Seeliger) at the Hochschule für Musik Luzern in the Department of Classical Music. From 2012-2014, they were based in Basel. They completed their master’s degree in composition at the Hochschule
für Musik Hanns Eisler Berlin with Hanspeter Kyburz. They are currently teaching at the UdK Berlin as part of FEM_*MUSIC*_, and are a member of the Insubordination Meta Orchestra in Geneva. Lucien has given concerts in Switzerland, Germany, Finland, Poland, France, and the Czech Republic, and focuses on composition and free improvisation.
Lucien Danzeisen (*1989), geboren im Aargau (CH), besuchte das Young Composers Project (Künstlerhaus Boswil) und absolvierte einen Bachelor in Komposition (Josef Kost, Michel Roth, Bettina Skrzypczak) und Klavier (Yvonne Lang, Marc Hunziker) mit Nebenfach Cembalo (Bettina Seeliger) an der Hochschule – Musik Luzern (Abteilung Klassik). Schwerpunkte Komposition und Freie Improvisation. Texte. 2012-2014 in Basel ansässig. 2014-2018 Studium Komposition an der Hochschule für Musik Hanns Eisler Berlin bei Hanspeter Kyburz, Masterabschluss mit Bestnote; wohnhaft im Berliner Wedding. Aktuell Lehrauftrag der UdK Berlin für FEM*_MUSIC*_: GATHER. Mitglied des Insubordination Meta Orchestra. Diverse freie Projekte.
Stellan Veloce ist ein in Berlin lebender sardinischer Komponist, Performer und Cellistin. Veloce komponiert Stücke fur akustische Instrumentalensembles, schafft Installationen und Performance-Stücke. Er ist Mitbegrunder des Kollektivs und Online-Plattform Y-E-S.org. Er ist auch teil der Gruppe Fem*_Music*_.Veloce arbeitet im Rahmen verschiedener Disziplinen. Kollaborationen u.a. mit dem Komponisten Neo Hülcker, den Tanzer*innen und Choreograph*innen Sheena McGrandles und Julian Weber, dem bildenden Künstler Kyle Bellucci Johanson. Gelegentlich arbeitet Veloce als Band-Mitglied oder Studio-Musiker im Popmusik-Bereich. In letzter Zeit mit Peaches und bevor mit Kat Frankie, Dear Reader, Kenichi u.a.. Nach einem Abschluss in klassischem Cello studierte Veloce Komposition an der Universität der Künste Berlin bei Elena Mendoza, Mauro Lanza und Daniel Ott und am California Institute of Arts bei Ulrich Krieger. Veloces Werke würden aufgeführt beim London Contemporary Music Festival (UK), dem Signal Festival (IT), dem Neuen Musik Festival Rümlingen (CH), den Dark Music Days und dem Cycle Festival (IS), Sound Acts ( GR), Inact Festival (FR), BAM! Festival Berlin (DE) u.a..