Playing God - For better or worse

Wenzel Mehnert | Dr. Bernhard Kegel
Playing God – For better or worse

Seminar, Deutsch/English, 2 SWS, 2 ECTS
Dienstags, 16-18 Uhr, wöchentlich ab 22.10.2019,
Grunewaldstr. 2-5, Raum 310

New and emerging technologies always come with ambiguous interpretations. On the one hand, in the form of wishes, potentials and dreams, on the other they are viewed sceptically or portrayed as threats. No matter how dystopian or utopian these interpretations may be, the overarching promise is always a story of change, as it will change the world as we know it.
The emerging field of Synthetic Biology is no exception. The designing of brand-new biological systems comes with manifold promises for mankind such as the eradication of deadly diseases, manufacturing more sustainable materials or even the creation of extinct animals. The opposing argumentation however is that humankind is on the edge of the abyss by tinkering with the evolution. Long-term changes for the environment or the genetic code as well as processes of social appropriation of this technology lie in the unknown. Meaning, that possible implications of gen edits or the creation of new lifeforms can not be foreseen by scientists – but they can be speculated about by artists.
In the seminar we will enter the realm beyond the hopes and fears by creating speculative fictions of the future. We will research on the sociotechnical imaginaries surrounding the field of synthetic biology, read into scientific and philosophical papers, watch science fiction movies dealing with the topic and invite experts and ethicists to reflect on issues. Based on our research we will create a possible world that will serve us as the foundation for the creation of Sci-Fi prototypes of one possible future. The results will take form of a book which will be designed and developed by the class together.

Leistungsanforderungen für den unbenoteten Studium-Generale-Schein: aktive, regelmäßige Teilnahme und Mitarbeit am Seminarprojekt, der Entwicklung eines Buches.

Ausrichtung der Veranstaltung: kritisch, vorwärtsgewandt
Kompetenz/Aktivität der Teilnehmenden: reflektieren/denken, transformieren

Wenzel Mehnert works as an assistant researcher at the University of the Arts in Berlin. His research interest includes experimental formats of future studies, techno-cultural foresight and the cultural shared imaginaries of the future. He writes his PhD about „the practice of speculation“ in literature, design and foresight. At the UdK he is teaching at the Studium Generale and in GWK (Gesellschafts- und Wirtschaftskommunikation) at the professorship of Prof. Timothee Ingen-Housz.

Bernhard Kegel, geboren 1953 in Berlin, studierte Chemie und Biologie an der FU Berlin und promovierte 1991 am Institut für Biologie der TU Berlin über ein agrarökologisches Thema zum Dr. rer nat. Seit Mitte der 1990er Jahre arbeitet er als freier Wissenschaftspublizist, publizierte seitdem sechs Romane und fünf Sachbücher zu verschiedenen biologischen Themen und schrieb für die NZZ, GEO, Spektrum der Wissenschaften, Biologie in unserer Zeit, Literarische Welt u. a.. Für seine Arbeiten erhielt er den Erwin-Strittmatter-Preis und den Grüter-Preis für hervorragende Wissenschaftspublizistik. 2013 und 2015 war er als erster deutscher Autor Fellow (Writer in Residence) am Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg in Delmenhorst, wo im Rahmen des Projektes Fiction meets Science sein letzter Roman „Abgrund“ (2017) entstand. In Vorbereitung dieser Arbeit begleitete er zwei internationale Forschergruppen des Bremer Leibniz-Zentrums für marine Tropenökologie auf Expeditionen nach Jordanien und auf die Galapagos Inseln. Bernhard Kegel lebt mit seiner Familie in Berlin.