JUXTAPOSITIONS. Perspectives on Contemporary Cultural Production, WS 2023/24
Prof. Lukas Feireiss
JUXTAPOSITIONS. Contemporary artistic production
Lecture series, English, 1 SWS, 1 ECTS
Mondays, 18-20 h, bi-weekly, 8 dates: 23.10., 6.11., 20.11., 4.12., 18.12.2023, 15.1., 29.1., 12.2.2024, Hardenbergstr. 33, room 158
Note: The lectures Juxtapositions and Healing Arts can be attended parallel (alternately always on Mondays, 6-8 p.m.) and add up to 2 ECTS.
Registration on Moodle starts 16.10.2023 / Anmeldung auf Moodle beginnt am 16.10.2023: https://moodle.udk-berlin.de/moodle/course/view.php?id=2008
Moodle Enrollment Key / Einschreibeschlüssel: positions
Streaming link: https://stream.udk-berlin.de/w/o4eS2L6akV3UDzGprqc6Es
In the winter semester 2023/24, the Studium Generale continues with its weekly “JUXTAPOSITIONS”-series curated and moderated by visiting professor Lukas Feireiss. In its fifth iteration it is, again, both an inspirational lecture series on the topic of transdisciplinary contemporary cultural production, as well as a practical and applied seminar in which students from various academic backgrounds are invited to work with one another in an environment of constructive criticism and creative collaboration.
Driven by an understanding that none of the issues we are facing globally right now can be tackled by a single profession, nor without the kind of collaboration enabled by technology, “JUXTAPOSITIONS” promotes a critical discourse across binaries, boundaries, borders, disciplines, norms, forms, and protocols. It celebrates the power of cross-pollination, creative entanglement and non-binary collaboration and embraces the beautiful juxtapositions that make up our lives.
23.10.2023 Prof. Lukas Feireiss (Einführung) - watch recording! (the first 7 minutes got lost - apologies!)
06.11.2023 Anaïs Astan Meyer - watch recording!
20.11.2023 Sarah Farina -- watch recording!
04.12.2023 Satoshi Fujiwara -- watch recording!
18.12.2023 María-Inés Plaza Lazo -- watch recording!
15.01.2024 Elena Schütz -- watch recording!
29.01.2024 Closed session for student participants. No streaming today!
12.02.2024 Forensis/Forensic Architecture .. watch recording!
Requirements for the ungraded Studium Generale credit points: regular participation, individual reflections for each of the lectures, and group work.
Students from higher semesters Bachelor as well as Master get the option for additional written tasks, which are evaluated with additional 1 ECTS (altogether max. 2 ECTS).
Here you find the lecture series with its guests in summer 2023!
Here you find the lecture series with its guests in winter 2022/23!
Here you find the lecture series with its guests in summer 2022!
Here you find the lecture series with its guests in winter 2021/22!

AnaÏs Astan Meyer

Sarah Farina

Satoshi Fujiwara

María-Inés Plaza Lazo

Elena Schütz

Camille Henrot

Phoebe Walton & Jasper Humpert (Forensis / Forensic Architecture)

JUXTAPOSITIONS. Perspectives on Contemporary Cultural Production, SoSe 2023
Lecture series, English/Deutsch, 2 SWS, 2 ECTS

JUXTAPOSITIONS. Perspectives on Contemporary Cultural Production, WS 2022/23
Lecture series, English/Deutsch, 2 SWS, 2 ECTS

JUXTAPOSITIONS. Perspectives on Contemporary Cultural Production, SoSe 2022
Lecture series, English/Deutsch, 2 SWS, 2 ECTS

JUXTAPOSITIONS. Perspectives on Contemporary Cultural Production, WS 2021/22
Hybrid lecture series, English/Deutsch, 2 SWS, 2 ECTS