Weak Signals. New Narratives in Art
Prof. Lukas Feireiss & Prof. Dr. Florian Hadler
Weak Signals. New Narratives in Art and Technology
Seminar, English, 2 SWS, 2 ECTS
Fridays, 10-14h, 7 session at Hardenbergstr. 33: 28.4. (room 110), 12.5. (room 158), 2.6. (room 110), 16.6. (room 110), 23.6. (room 110), 7.7. (room 110), 14.7.2023 (room 158)
Registration on Moodle starts on the 17th of April / Anmeldung auf Moodle beginnt am 17.4.2023: https://moodle.udk-berlin.de/moodle/course/view.php?id=1833
Moodle Enrollment Key / Einschreibeschlüssel: technology
A weak signal is emitted by changes in the early stages of their development and serves as an indicator of a potentially emerging issue, that may become significant in the future. Art and technology have always had this seismographic signal quality of identifying cracks in the present time revealing possible futures, indicating shifts in culture and society and envisioning alternate worlds to come. Their intertwining is grounded in a long-standing history: technology has been driven by the arts, and vice versa. In fact, art and technology are interdependent. Over time, however, the two have been separated and each one has developed different modes of understanding and experience: the artistic versus the technological. Yet, their reconnection and combination have continuously driven cutting-edge results and created impact on global scales - in art, culture, academia, and industry.
Against this backdrop Weak Signals critically and playfully examines and celebrates the nexus between the arts, science, and technology as a source of shifting paradigms in understanding and facing the challenges of the complex global realities of today and tomorrow’s world to come. The block seminar is open to all faculties and aims to create a gateway and research network around the topic within and beyond the Berlin University of Arts. It precedes an international publication, that will be published in Autumn 2023.
Requirements for the ungraded Studium Generale credits: Collective collection and development of a glossary of ideas and concepts as well as presentation of individual projects or research topics.
Florian Hadler advocates for new narratives around society-centered technology and runs initiatives strengthening the societal impact of arts and design. He develops and implements strategies for organizations and brands, targeting c-level decision processes around technology, design, communication, and organizational development in the public and private sectors. His portfolio ranges from co-founding, developing, and managing startups, studios, and industry networks to designing and production of international award-winning products, services, and media. More information at flohadler.com.
Lukas Feireiss works as a curator, author, and educator in the international mediation of contemporary cultural reflexivity beyond disciplinary boundaries. He graduated from Comparative Religious Studies, Philosophy, and Ethnology in Berlin and Rome. Feireiss is the author and editor of numerous books, and curator of manifold exhibitions in the field of art, architecture, and design in theory and practice. He has lectured and taught at various universities worldwide. At the Sandberg Instituut in Amsterdam, he developed and directed the temporary Master of Fine Arts and Design program Radical Cut-Up. In his capacity as visiting professor at the Berlin University of Arts, he currently pilots new formats for transdisciplinary education beyond protocol. More information at studiolukasfeireiss.com.