JUXTAPOSITIONS. Perspectives on Contemporary Cultural Production, SoSe 2022
Kuratiert von Prof. Lukas Feireiss:
Ringvorlesung: JUXTAPOSITIONS. Perspectives on Contemporary Cultural Production
Lecture series, English/Deutsch, 2 SWS, 2 ECTS
Mondays, 18-20:30 h s.t., 8 dates: 25.4., 9.5., 23.5., 13.6., 27.6., 4.7., 11.7., 18.7.2022,
Hardenbergstr. 33, room 158
This is the link for our livestream: https://stream.udk-berlin.de/videos/watch/b29cd330-4cc3-4cc9-b119-9f6ca5698702
In the summer semester 2022, the Studium Generale continues with its series of inspirational lectures on the topic of contemporary cultural production curated and moderated by visiting professor Lukas Feireiss. JUXTAPOSITIONS aims at a broad transdisciplinary audience with and beyond the confines of the Berlin University of the Arts. Driven by an understanding that none of the issues we are facing globally right now can be tackled by a single profession, nor without the kind of collaboration enabled by technology, the lecture series promotes a critical discourse across binaries, boundaries, borders disciplines, norms, forms and protocols. It celebrates the power of cross-polination, creative entanglement and non-binary collaboration and embraces the beautiful juxtapositions that make up our lives.
We will have seven different guest lecturers, sharing their individual practices in the fields of transdisciplinary arts.
Requirements for the ungraded Studium Generale credits: regular participation, one task for each of the lectures.
List of guests:
25.04.2022 Lukas Feireiss - watch recording!
09.05.2022 Tra My Nguyen - watch recording
23.05.2022 Ariel Efraim Ashbel - watch recording!
13.06.2022 Ute Meta Bauer - watch recording!
27.06.2022 Dina El Kaisy Friemuth - watch recording!
04.07.2022 Danielle Brathwaite-Shirley - watch recording!
11.07.2022 Maissa Lihedheb - watch recording!
18.07.2022 Tom Sachs - watch recording!
Here you find the lecture series with its guests in winter 2021/22!