Jay Jordan

Labelled a  "Domestic Extremist" by the UK police, and “a magician of rebellion” by the French press, JJ likes spaces in-between of all sorts, especially between art and activism, culture and nature, the masculine and feminine. They have intervened in museums, squats, International Theatre Festivals, climate camps, choreographed riotous carnivales, written BBC radio play and an Opera. Co-founder of creative direct action collectives Reclaim the Streets and the Clown Army. They deserted their job as senior lecturer in fine art in 2003 to work as cameraman for Naomi Klein’s film The Take. They co-edited and co-authored We Are Everywhere: the irresistible rise of global anti-capitalism (Verso, 2003),  The Users Guide to demanding the Impossible (with Gavin Grindon, Minor Compositions 2009) & the film/book Les Sentiers de L'utopie (with Isabelle Fremeaux, La Découverte, 2011). Since 2004, with Isabelle Fremeaux, they co-facilitate the Laboratory of Insurrectionary Imagination. Infamous for fermenting disobedience on bicycles, throwing snowballs at bankers, launching a rebel raft regatta to shut down a power station and refusing to be censored by the Tate Modern. They inhabit the Zone A Deféndre (zad) of Notre-dame-des-Landes, where disobedience cancelled an international airport project. Www.labo.zone

Verwandte Themen
