PLANETARY EMBODIMENT: Ancient Approaches, New Earthly Cultures

Luïza Luz
PLANETARY EMBODIMENT: Ancient Approaches, New Earthly Cultures

Hybrid tutorial, English, 2 SWS, 2 ECTS
Wednesdays, 16-20 h, 8 dates: 3.11., 10.11., 17.11., 8.12., 15.12.2021, 12.1., 19.1., 26.1.2022,
Einsteinufer 43, room 203


We are Planet Earth. An ancient living organism surrounded by Ecological, Social and Psychological emergencies. These challenges were once imagined by Western Colonial dreams and delusions of separation, in which the Politics of Human failed to meet The Politics of Nature. Humanity failed in believing that we are something different than Planet Earth itself. It’s time to dream of our roots on Earth and flourish our entanglements. In this challenging context, Ailton Krenak, a Brazilian Indigenous leader and philosopher from the Krenak ethnicity, proposes some "Ideas to postpone the end of the world" while imagining the future through its ancestral wisdom, this that not only unveils interdependence, but some of the most critical historical contexts that push us away from perceiving it. To be able to envision the future, we must review the past and occupy the present consciously. This program aims to inspire the embodiment of a critical Planetary post colonial cosmovision. Having the book “Ideas to Postpone The End of The World” as the central axis and the Arts as transformational tool, the group is invited to (un)learn, dream and act towards an Earthly common existence for transcultural multi species.

Goals: Engage students with these topics through critical + inventive perspectives + practices. Present Climate's initiatives happening at UDK and call for action. The final discoveries and proposals will be presented publicly - to be further developed with the group.

At 17th November 2021, Amália Coelho de Souza (Maya Quilolo), is one of the artists participating in the exhibition at Kunstraus Kreuzberg/Bethanien which we visited with the students of Planetary Embodiment. She was there to speak with us about her practice as an indigenous/african contemporary artist born in Brasil. We spoke about poetics resistance, and the importance of ancestral communities to develop the so-called sustainable cultures we are seeking today. She shared her experience as an artist and anthropologist.

The indigenous contemporary artists and curators Jaider Esbell, from the Macuxi ethnicity and Denilson Baniwa, from the Baniwa ethnicity participated as well in our seminar.

Requests / Preparation: Students must purchase and read the book “Ideas to Postpone the End of The World”, by Ailton Krenak. Active and regular participation.

Luïza Luz (They / Them) is a Brazilian transdisciplinary artist and educator who lives between urban cities and sustainable communities. Their practices are focused on Ecological relations and conflicts among subjectivity, digital culture, environment and communication. They graduated in Visual Arts and also studied with Indigenous leaders as Ailton Krenak and was awarded a scholarship by the Ecologist Fritjof Capra. In 2017 they published the book named “T(t)ERRA: Artistic Pedagogical Approaches for The Cultivation of Ecological Cultures”. Their latest audio visual performance "After Nature Soundscape" (2020), a collaboration with artist Vi Amoras, was presented at the group show "Creative Code Art", held in New York, at Lightbox Gallery, at "UUU - Unbounded, Unleashed, Unforgiving - Reconsidering Cyberfeminism in 2021", held at New Art City, a virtual Art space and in the new art gallery Kunstbrücke am Wildenbruch in Berlin, Germany. Luïza Luz is now a MFA student at UdK - Universität der Künste, Berlin, Germany, at the Art in Context Institut, where they also works with the student parliament as the coordinator of the Department for Sustainability and Climate Justice. More information on