Ailton Krenak & Selvagem - Video Screening

Quelle: wildarrow

Ailton Krenak & Selvagem - Video Screening (English Subtitles)

13.10 - 13.25 Uhr

VIDEO PANEL 1 (Introduction to Panel Discussion 1)

Ailton Krenak & Selvagem Cycle of Studies - WILD ARROW - THE SERPENT AND THE CANOE - Video Screening 1 (English subtitles)

FLECHA SELVAGEM - WILD ARROW is a fifteen-minute film that projects SELVAGEM into audiovisual language. It's a dream that Ailton Krenak had to postpone the end of the world. In 2021, six arrows will be released. It is an audiovisual that did not generate new images. An experience that is the result of the times we are living through, in which we must learn to deal with as much as possible, and even so, continue to seek beauty. The arrow is a way of propagating the contents through which we speak in SELVAGEM, a cycle of studies on life that opens paths for the coexistence of traditional, scientific and artistic knowledge. The arrows are aimed at the general public and are also an invitation for schools, universities, cultural hubs and community education projects to access more pluriversal narratives. WILD ARROW opens the way for new questions to be asked. Available for free on our YouTube channel with English subtitles.

Each arrow is composed of a narrative in the voice of AILTON KRENAK, a script written by ANNA DANTES, a radiant myriad of 'composed' images from various indigenous, artistic and scientific archives, as well as animations and original music.


A channel of transformation that brings life from one form to another. The same life connects several worlds. In the intertwining of particles that cross lives and bodies,
we are chimeras, multispecies beings. The METAMORPHOSIS ARROW brings together knowledge of the Tukano peoples and has the participation of João Paulo Lima Barreto, author of the works WAIMAHSÃ: Peixes e Humanos and KUMUÃ NA KAHTIROTI-UKUSE, in addition to the initial narration by Naiara Tukano. The book Metamorphoses by Emanuele Coccia is also the guiding thread of this arrow that talks about transformation. The third wild arrow is motivated by the Huni Kuin teachings of Shuku Shukuwe, life is forever.


Selvagem – Cycle of studies on life is an experience of articulating knowledge from indigenous, academic, scientific, traditional and other species perspectives. Designed by Anna Dantes, supervised by Ailton Krenak, produced by Madeleine Deschamps and carried out by a collective that involves partners, supporters, participants and the public.

SELVAGEM includes conversation circles, publication of notebooks and books, reading cycles and audiovisual content (online conversations, videos and chats).

SELVAGEM in-person events took place in November 2018 and 2019 at the Teatro do Jardim Botânico in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. In 2021, Selvagem launched its audiovisual project, FLECHA (ARROW), a series in six episodes of 15 minutes available on our youtube channel.

Ailton Krenak
Thinker, environmentalist and one of the main voices of indigenous knowledge. He created, with Dantes Editora, the Selvagem – cycle of studies on life. He lives in the Krenak village, on the banks of the Doce River, in Minas Gerais. He is the author of the books “Ideias to Postpone the End of the World” (2019), “Tomorrow is not for sale” and “Life is not useful” (both from 2020), all published by Companhia das Letras.