Moritz Zeisner (Bildende Kunst)

Quelle: Moritz Zeisner

sensing nature

2020, Video/fieldrecording (duration 10 min)

Regularly life leads us to enter into the unknown. But how can someone follow this way without having a connection with something constant? To something that is always there, always accessible, while at the same time everything around us is tran- sient. We can experience this connection trough the aliveness of the natural.

If we go deep inside ourselves in a natural environment - we can find nothing else on the inside than on the outside - natural aliveness - a potential is rising to become unite with everything.

Time becomes relative. Fears become relative. Projections become relative. We be- come relative. The reconnection to the whole is created. Everything is nature, the human and the non-human. It will be there at any time of our lifetime.

Reconnecting the human to the non-human again can be medicine for the earth. «As we work to heal the earth, the earth heals us» Robin Wall Kimmerer.

While the non-human is doing so much good for us, the question keeps coming up: How do we sense the non-human and how does the non-human sense us at the same time?

The soundscape consists out of two recordings that are played simultaneously. On the one hand, sounds are generated from the inside of the forest soil by means of certain contact microphones and geophones. On the other hand, there is a stereo recording of the outside surrounding.

"In einem Dorf in der Nähe des UNESCO-Biosphärenreservats Rhön aufzuwachsen und dort 24 Jahre lang zu leben, hat mich stark beeinflusst."
Dort besuchte Moritz Zeisner zuerst eine staatlichen Berufsfachschule für Holzbildhauerei und studiert seit 2018 Bildende Kunst an der UdK Berlin in der Klasse Zipp.
"Mein Leben war schon immer stark davon geprägt, draußen zu sein und die Natur zu erleben und zu beobachten."